CHM1045L, General Chemistry I Lab Sections
1-32 Lab Times: TR 8:00-10:55 AM,TR 11:00AM -1:55PM, TR 2:00-4:55 PM, MW 2:30-5:25 PM Lab Locations: 3rd Floor Hoffman Teaching Laboratory, Room 308, 309, 317, 318 |
Dr. Stephanie R. Dillon Office: 324B DLC Phone: (850) 644-0166 E-mail: |
Office Hours: TR 9-11AM or by appointment |
Lab TA: |
Required - | (1) 2011 Online Chemistry 1045L Laboratory
Manual is available via Blackboard, compiled by Stephanie R. Dillon (2) Laboratory research notebook (carbonless copy) (3) A NON-PROGRAMMABLE Scientific Calculator |
Cell Phones: All cell phones are
to be turned off at all times during the laboratory period. Students whose
cell phones ring during a lab will be asked to leave and the missed lab
will be counted as an unexcused absence. Lab Attire: All students are required to wear long pants (from hip to foot, No Capris, No Shorts), closed-toe shoes and shirts which completely cover the midriff area. Long hair should be pulled back and jewelry such as rings and bracelets should be removed during the lab period. Students who do not comply with the policies regarding attire will be asked to leave and the missed lab will be counted as an unexcused absence. |
1. To develop scientific inquiry skills, such as hypothesis generation, observation. description, data manipulation, and evaluation of results.
2. To develop laboratory technical skills and provide experience using scientific instrumentation.
3. To provide an active-learning environment that illustrates the principles and theories presented in lecture.
4. To promote problem-solving skills through collaborative and individual reflection and analysis.
5. To improve scientific writing skills through weekly reports.
Being a successful chemistry student involves being prepared for the laboratory, being observant, understanding what you are doing and why you are doing it, developing careful and methodical laboratory technique, interpreting results appropriately, and being able to summarize and analyze the results accordingly.
Before coming to lab...
Read the entire exercise or experiment. Carefully note the procedure and prepare any questions you may have for your TA.
Prepare your lab notebook (see Lab Notebook Format). Write a summary procedure such that you could complete the experiment without the use of your lab manual if necessary. Pay close attention to the questions you will need to answer in your lab report to make sure you collect all necessary data during the experiment.
Complete the prelab worksheet and be ready to turn it in at the beginning of class.
In lab...
Perform experiment/make observations/record data. Pay attention and ask questions as needed.
By the start of the next lab class...
Write the lab report and answer any assigned questions.
Lab Reports (12 at 25 pts each) | 300 | |
Lon-CAPA Prelabs (12 at 20 pts each) | 240 | |
Lab Notebook | 60 | |
Total | 600 |
Lab Reports are due one week and a day from the completion of the lab experiment. See Lab
Report Format for more details. Reports must be typed in Word and submitted through SafeAssign in the Lab Reports folder in Blackboard. No late lab reports will be accepted. Lab reports are due one week and a day after the completion of your lab experiment. So for example, If your lab is Wednesday at 2:30 PM, your lab report must be uploaded no later than 2:29 PM the following Thursday. Due dates and times will be clearly posted in the Lab Reports folder in Blackboard.
Pre-lab Assignments are located on the LON-CAPA system. Pre-Labs are available from the beginning of the semester up until 30 minutes before the lab meeting time corresponding to that Pre-lab. No late pre-lab assignments will be accepted.
The Lab Notebook should be kept up-to-date and in traditional scientific format. The notebook will be collected and graded at the end of the term. See Lab Notebook Format for details regarding the grading criteria. Additionally, a complete summary of the lab experiment procedure to be performed as well as any tables or background information needed to complete the laboratory should be completed before coming to lab. Failure to write this procedure in your lab notebook will result in your not being allowed to perform the lab experiment and a corresponding loss of those lab report points.
The Grading Scale Final grades in the course will be assigned based on the percentage of total possible points in the course, according to the following percentile scale: 90-100% A 80-89% B 70-79% C Below 70% D/F
Academic Honor Policy
The Florida State University Academic Honor Policy outlines the University’s expectations for the integrity of students’ academic work, the procedures for resolving alleged violations of those expectations, and the rights and responsibilities of students and faculty members throughout the process. Students are responsible for reading the Academic Honor Policy and for living up to their pledge to “. . . be honest and truthful and . . . [to] strive for personal and institutional integrity at Florida State University.”
Academic Honor Policy for more details.
Working Efficiently: It is
expected that you will be in lab on time and to begin working on the
experiment. Students that arrive to lab late (> 5 minutes) may be asked to leave as they interrupt the lab TA's ability to get the lab started in a timely fashion. It is expected that you will work efficiently and be able to
finish the experiment in a timely fashion. If you find you are having
difficulty organizing your time, please come talk to the lab TA or the lab
instructor and we will try to help you.
Working Safely: You must pass the safety quiz before participating in the laboratory. The safety quiz is based on your reading of the 11 safety rules in the laboratory manual and your watching the safety video. Both the quiz and the video are available on the blackboard website. If you do not pass the safety quiz you will not be allowed to remain in lab.
Missed Lab Policy: Labs missed for an acceptable reason will be handled as follows: The missed lab report will be pro-rated by averaging the rest of your lab report grades and substituting that average for the missing lab grade. Lab reports from previous week (due the day you miss) should be turned in along with documentation of the excuse for the absence at the next lab meeting. Pre-lab Lon-CAPA assignements should be completed as usual since they are available all the time not just on the day of the lab. Labs missed without a reasonable excuse will receive a grade of zero. Students missing 4 or more laboratories for any reason (excused or unexcused) will recieve a failing grade for the lab. If the absences are for illness or another excusable reason, students are encouraged to withdraw from the lab. Incomplete grades will no longer be issued for excessive absences.
Reasonable Excuses (Documentation) Include:
This is not an all inclusive list but should give you a general idea of the magnitude of an acceptable excuse and the type of documentation required to substantiate it. Other problems will be dealt with on an individual basis.
Important Campus Resources
Dirac Science Library: The library is located
directly across from the Dittmer laboratory of Chemistry and directly in front
of Fisher Lecture Hall. It provides a rich source of instructional materials,
including books, journals, reference texts, and online databases.
Students must have a campus ID card to check out materials. Students can
access the online databases from off-campus. Bring a current student ID
card to get the passwords and authorization numbers. Further information
can be found at
Computing Services: All current FSU students have
free acns accounts and free email accounts at the campus. Directions for
logging into your acns account and for registering for your free email account
can be found at
If you have any problems with your account or forget your password, call the
Help Desk at 644-8502.
ChemSketch from ASD Software can be downloaded for free.
Click here to go to the
download site. Tutorials can help you learn to use this
program. Click
here to go to the tutorial site.
Students with disabilities needing academic accommodation should:
(1) register with and provide documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center; and
(2) bring a letter to the instructor indicating the need for accommodation and what type. This should be done during the first week of class.
This syllabus and other class materials are available in alternative format upon request.
For more information about services available to FSU students with disabilities, contact the:
Disability Resource Center .
97 Woodward Avenue, South.
Florida State University.
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4167.
(850) 644-9566 (voice).
(850) 644-8504 (TDD)
Need Help with your lab or homework? We have a list of private tutors available, click here.
Having Trouble finding the Hoffman Teaching Laboratory (HTL)
Building? This link will connect you to an interactive Campus Map .