Updated May 2025
March. 19, 2025: Congratulations to Yudan Chen for passing the dissertation defense!
Congratulations to Ifeoluwa Oyekunle for passing the fourth-year talk!
Congratulations to Erica Truong for passing the dissertation defense!
The Hu group presentated at the MagLab open house 2025 ![]() ![]() Congratulations to Yongkang Jin for passing the fourth-year talk!
Congratulations to Mahinur Islam and Pawan Ojha for passing the second-year talk! ![]() ![]() Congratulations to Tej Poudel for passing the dissertation defense!
Congratulations to Michael Deck for passing the dissertation defense!
Celebration of Tej's son's rice feeding.
The Hu group presentated at the MagLab open house 2023 ![]() ![]() The Women in Math, Science, and Engineering (WIMSE) lab visit in our group. ![]() ![]() ![]() Congratuations to our former postdoc, Dr. Xuyong Feng for getting a position of full professor at Hefei University of Technology! We are so pround of you and wish you all the best in your future career! (Attached the screenshot of the employment announcement in Chinese from the university's website)
We had a wonderful time hiking at Miccosukee Greenways Trail and saw amazing sunset after three-hour walk through the forest!
Our work published on Chemistry of Materials is featured on the cover. Special thanks to Po-Hsiu and Jaye who brought up the design and made it a beautiful piece of art!
Congratulations to Jin Zheng for winning Russell Johnson dissertation award, the highest honor for FSU chemnoles! She gave a successful talk at the yearly graduate award ceremony.
Congratulations to Jin Zheng for winning Research and Creativity Award, which honors the best and brightest within graduate education at FSU! The ceremony is cancelled during this special quarantine, but we are so proud of you!
Congratulations to Waseem Afzaal and Michael Deck for passing their second-year talk
Congratulations to Dr. Yan-Yan Hu for winning, CAREER, one of the most prestigious NSF awards due to her extraordinary accomplishments in research and education
Congratulations to Po-Hsiu Chen and Xiang Li on their graduation. Hu's group wish them best of luck for their future endeavors
Congratulations Po-Hsiu for getting Outstading Inorganic Chemistry Graduate Student Award
The Hu group presentated at the MagLab open house 2019
The paper: Li Distribution Heterogeneity in Solid Electrolyte Li10GeP2S12 upon Electrochemical Cycling Probed by 7Li MRI" was accepted to The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. Congratulations to it authors Chien, Po-Hsiu; Feng, Xuyong; Tang, Mingxue; Rosenberg, Jens; O�Neill, Sean; Zheng, Jin; Grant, Samuel; Hu, Yan-Yan. March. 7, 2018: The Hu group had a great time out barbequing at Maclay garden!
Thank you to Hailan and Po-Hsiu for letting us be part of such an amazing day and Wedding ceremony the Hu group sends its love to the happy couple!
Congratulations to Jin Zheng on her recent publication in the ACS Applied & Materials Interfaces. Check this out and see how the compositional dependence effects electrolytes. New Insights into the Compositional Dependence of Li-Ion Transport in Polymer�Ceramic Composite Electrolytes Dec. 11, 2017: The Hu group had a great party last night where everyone was able to showcase their cooking skills! Congratulations to the first, second, and third place winners of the competition!
We have three great new additions to the Hu lab! We are very happy to welcome Sawankumar Patel, Haoyu Liu, and Pengbo Wang to our group! June. 09, 2017: Hot news! Congratulations to Jin Zheng on her recent publication in the ACS Applied & Materials Interfaces. It's a collaboration with Prof. Candace K Chan at Arizona State Univeritiy. Check this out and see how ceramic fillers enhance the ionic conductivity in Composite polymer solid electrolytes. Composite Polymer Electrolytes with Li7La3Zr2O12 Garnet-Type Nanowires as Ceramic Fillers: Mechanism of Conductivity Enhancement and Role of Doping and Morphology June. 01, 2017: Hot news! Congratulations to Alyssa Rose! Her collaboration with Prof. Ma from the Department of Chemical and Biochemcial Engineering at FSU made a huge impact on the mechanism of low dimensional structural transformations in Tin Bromide perovskite. Check this important communication on the Angewandte Chemie International Edition. Low Dimensional Organic Tin Bromide Perovskites and Their Photoinduced Structural Transformation May. 23, 2017: Hot news! Congratulations to Alyssa Rose on her collaboration with Prof. Mingming Ma at University of Science and Technology of China. Her hard working comes with good results and you may see a new stroy on how Co-nanocrystal assembled hollow nanoparticles hydrolyze Sodium borohydride (NaBH4) in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Efficient Co-Nanocrystal-Based Catalyst for Hydrogen Generation from Borohydride Apr. 20, 2017: Hot news! Congratulations to Dr. Xu-Yong Feng on his work published in the Journal of Power Sources. This paper mainly talks about how to improve the rate performance of LTO anode by bridged grain boundaries. Check this out - Enhanced rate performance of Li4Ti5O12 anodes with bridged grain boundaries Dec. 7, 2016: OMG! Big news! Our boss wins a great prize! She was recognized by the American Association for the Advancement of Science for her promsing work in the early stage of career. Please read this for more inforamtion: MagLab chemist honored for research
Planetary Ball Mill PM 200 (RETSCH) arrvied! Now it can share the hugh burnden with the SPEX 8000M Ball Mill when our students need to mix chemicals.
Welcome Heather Dang and Sean O'Neill to join our lab! We are getting more Cheminoles! Oct. 13, 2016: VTI glovebox arrived! Thanks for Alyssa and Po-Hsiu for making it installed. With this glovebox, Jin can make compostie films quicker and easier.
Hot news! Congratulations to Dr. Youngseok Jee and Po-Hsiu. Our collaboration with Prof. Kevin Huang (from University of South Caroline) on Na ion conductor has paid off! You can discover more about research results on Solid State Ionics! Check this out - Crystallization of amorphous Na2Si2O5 as a Na-ion conductor Aug. 25, 2016: The first Angewandte Chemie paper is online!!! Congratulations to Dr. Mingxue Tang and Zheng Jin! This paper explains a great deal of how Li ion travels through LLZO-PEO composite electrolytes! Check this out - Lithium Ion Pathway within Li7La3Zr2O12-Polyethylene Oxide Composite Electrolytes Aug. 15, 2016: Welcome Ethan Curling to join our lab! He becomes a member of all solid-state batteries research team. Jun. 27, 2016: The first one High-Temperature Laser Probe in the US is now serving as a powerful tool to study ion dynamics and phase transitions at the Maglab in Tallahassee! Please read this for more inforamtion: New laser probe makes for sizzling science
Welcome Dr. Mingxue Tang to join our research team! With his great NMR intelligence, our research is expected to reach higher level! May. 18, 2016: Our second paper is online!!! Congratulations to Dr. Xu-Yong Feng on his contributions to Na ion batteries! Check this out - Cr2O5 as new cathode for rechargeable sodium ion batteries Apr. 29, 2016: Congratulations to Po-Hsiu on receiving the outstanding general chemistry teaching assistant award! He made this twice! Anyone wants to know how he did that? Feb. 27, 2016: I believe we did a better job than last year! Thank you all the contributions from my team! This year at the annual Maglab Open House Event, we brought more interesting mini experiments to the audience and they are: 1) the measurements of human body resistance, 2) the electrolysis of water, and 3) fruit batteries. Our experiments indeed made a lof of family smile, also we demosntrated how important the electrochemistry is and how scientists relate it to practical applications!
Congratulations to Po-Hsiu on publishing his first paper (it's also the first paper in our group) on Chemical Science! That is super fantastic!!! Check this out - On the Origin of High Ionic Conductivity in Na-doped SrSiO3 Sept. 15, 2015: Thank you for visiting us and the arrangement WIMSE (The Women in Math, Science and Engineering Program at FSU) did for female students from STEM fields. It was our honor to demonstrate our capability of doing exciting science and understanding fundamental questions using advenced solid-state NMR.
We will miss you, Alberic! It was really great to work with you. Hope that working together with our group members has provided you with insights into how a CHEMINOLE work in the lab and how a lab is operated. We wish you the best of luck in all of your future endeavors!
Welcome Hanson Liu to join our lab! The Hu's group is getting more and more intelligent force. May. 28, 2015: High temperature furnace arrived! Hopefully, it'll speed up our synthesis and help us become more productive.
Finally, the high temperature tube furnace for 17O-enrichment experiment arrived. Po-Hsiu, let's make some fresh 17O-enriched samples.
Hydraulic press arrived! It will make our synthesis even better.
Congratulations to Po-Hsiu on receiving the outstanding general chemistry teaching assistant award! Apr. 16, 2015: What a lovely morning with my students in Black Dog Cafe! We enjoyed delicious food^^ and every moment out there. Being a supervisor, that's the best thing for me becasue I cannot only teach them how to do good research, but also guide them to success. Ella lake is also a beautiful place where we took a walk talking about life and dreams.
We greatly appreciated Mr. Robert's help for installing such a BIG toy for us! Hey guys! Are you ready to make a good battery?
Two more battery recyclers arrived. We cannot wait to feed them with batteries and that is Xiang's top priority task!
With the arrival of high temperature tube furnace, we can start synthesizing electrode materials! Dr. Feng, it's your showtime!
Thanks to Tom Dusek, we got our elegant Schlenk line.
At the annual Open House at the NHMFL held on Feb 21, 2015, We organized a fruit battery demonstration to show the kids and parents how batteries work. We also had a poster to introduce the state-of-the-art of rechargeable lithium ion batteries for electric vehicles and emphasized the importance of energy storage technology in the transition from fossil fuels to sustainable and clean energy sources. We received a large audience through the day.
Feb. 13, 2015: Ball mill mixer helps you get more homogenous precursor and more importantly, it saves your energy and time!
Convection oven is ready for use! It's a good start on this less blue Monday.
Now our battery recycler (Arbin) is working!!!
Welcome Dr. Xuyong Feng to join our research team and become the first one of Dr. Hu's Postdoc! Jan. 6, 2015: Our first meeting in 2015 begins here! Jan. 1, 2015: Happy New Year!!! Wish you all the best and have wonderful holidays! Nov. 17, 2014: Welcome Erum Kidwai and Makayla Lein to join our research team! Go Seminoles! Nov. 10, 2014: Welcome Alyssa Rose and Xiang Li to become one of our group members! Nov. 3, 2014: Welcome Po-Hsiu Chien to join our group and become the first one of Dr. Hu's graduate students! Sept. 1, 2014: Welcome David Morris to join my lab and become the first research assistant! Aug. 8, 2014: A wonderful research road begins at FSU!