Grading Information

Pre-Laboratory Exercises
Average of 8
Labster Pre-Lab Exercises
Average of 5
Term Lab Report
1st draft 75% , Final Draft 25%
Laboratory Exercises
Average of Best 7 of 8
Final Exam
Cumulative Exam

Grading Scale: Final grades in the course will be assigned based on the percentage of total possible points in the course, according to the following percentile scale:

90-100% A 80-89% B 70-79% C Below 70% D/F

Lab Exercises will be conducted through Blackboard and completed while performing the lab experiments. Students are expected to bring a wifi capable laptop or tablet with them to lab class. The exercises will assume that the student has read and understood the background information on the lab experiment both mathematically and conceptually. Be sure to read the lab manual background BEFORE coming to lab. The lowest grade Exercise will be prorated out at the end of the term. If you miss a lab for any reason this will automatically become the dropped/prorated grade. If you miss two or more labs BOTH or ALL must be excused and documented for them to be prorated.

A term Lab Report will be due twice during the semester. The first draft (75%) will be due midway through the term and a final report (25%) will be due two weeks before the end of the term. The report will be based on data provided to each student and should be written in traditional science journal format. See Lab Report Format for more details. Reports must be typed into the Lab Report Generator in your lab manual and submitted as a PDF file through Turnitin in the Lab Reports folder in Blackboard. No late or emailed lab reports will be accepted. The Due date and time will be clearly posted in the Lab Reports folder in Blackboard.

Please keep in mind that the Turnitin system can only handle so much traffic at a time so the closer to the due date and time you attempt to submit your report, the longer it will take and there is always a possibility that the system will get overwhelmed and your report not accepted. It is totally your responsibility to get the report in on time. If you procrastinate and your report is not accepted, we will not accept an emailed copy. No exceptions.

NOTE: If you experience technical difficulties when uploading your report you should contact Blackboard Support Immediately (not Dr. Dillon or your TA as they cannot fix technical problems) using the support tab on the Blackboard website.

Pre-lab Assignments are located on the Webassign system. An access code to the system is packaged with your new lab notebook and manual. Pre-Labs are available from the beginning of the semester up until Monday noon the week of the lab. No late pre-lab assignments will be accepted.

Labster Prelabs - Assignments are located on the Labster system. An access code can be purchased directly from the company online. Pre-Labs are available from the beginning of the semester up until Monday noon the week of the lab. No late pre-lab assignments will be accepted.

The Lab Notebook should be kept up-to-date and in traditional scientific format. The notebook will be collected and graded at the end of the term. See Lab Notebook Format for details regarding the grading criteria.

Lab Exams - Each exam will be cummulative and contain questions on both the concepts and techniques covered in the laboratory. The focus is on making sure the student not only can complete a lab and report but that he or she retains the information taught during the experiments.

Grading Errors - You have one week from the posting of any grade to make notice of an error or request a change in the grading. After 1 week the grade becomes permanent.