FSU SealCHM1045: SyllabusChemseal

Sections 21-27
MWF 12:20 -1:10PM

255 FLH

Recitations :

For one hour per week you will meet with a teaching assistant in recitation. Recitations allow you more time to ask questions and clarify material that was presented in class. Quizzes may also be given during recitations. Attendance is mandatory. All recitations for this class are on Thursday afternoons/evenings:

Section 21 - Thursday 5:30 - 6:20 Room 213 HTL
Section 22 - Thursday 6:30 - 7:20 Room 213 HTL
Section 23 - Thursday 7:30 - 8:20 Room 213 HTL
Section 24 - Thursday 4:30 - 5:20 Room 219 HTL
Section 25 - Thursday 5:30 - 6:20 Room 219 HTL
Section 26 - Thursday 6:30 - 7:20 Room 219 HTL


Prerequisite: MAC 1105 with a grade of "C-" or higher, or placement beyond MAC 1105 on the University's Math department exam.
Co-requisite: Chm 1045L (General Chemistry I Laboratory)

Note: Students taking Chm 1045 after taking Chm 1020 and/or Chm 1030 should contact a Chemistry advisor to register for reduced credit.


Dr. Stephanie R. Dillon
Office: 324B DLC
Phone: (850) 644-0166
E-mail: sdillon@chem.fsu.edu 

Office Hours: 
130 DLC Thursday 9:00AM-11:00AM or by appointment

Recitation TA: 
  • Sections and Contact Information 

  • Materials:

    (1) Chemistry & Chemical Reactions, 6th Edition by Kotz, Treichel & Weaver Part 1
    (2) A NON-PROGRAMMABLE Scientific Calculator

    Lecture Policies:

    Cell Phones: All cell phones are to be turned off at all times during the lecture period. Students whose cell phones ring during a lecture will be asked to leave. Please be considerate of both your fellow students and your instructor.  

    Course Schedule: http://www.chem.fsu.edu/chemlab/chm1045course/schedulesp09.html

    Course Objectives:

    At the end of this course, the student will be able to …

    Differentiate between accuracy and precision in measurements.
    Report measurements and calculations to the proper number of significant figures.
    Solve problems using the Unit-Label/Dimensional Analysis method.
    Discuss the structure of the atom and organization of the periodic table.
    Name and write formulas for ionic and molecular compounds.
    Solve problems using mole relationships.
    Balance chemical equations and predict products of chemical reactions.
    Use balanced chemical equations to solve stoichiometry problems.
    Write net ionic equations for double replacement reactions.
    Identify and balance redox reactions using the half - reaction method.
    Solve problems using solution concentration (molarity).
    Solve problems using the First Law of Thermodynamics.
    Relate the spectrum of an element to the structure of the atom.
    Write the electron configuration for and element and relate to the structure of the atom.
    Name and identify the four quantum numbers for an element.
    Predict properties of elements based on the trends of the periodic table.
    Differentiate between ionic and covalent bonding.
    Draw Lewis structures and predict molecular geometry of a molecule.
    Predict and explain the polarity of a molecule.
    Explain the geometry of a molecule using one of the bonding theories.
    Solve problems using the gas laws.

    For matters not covered in this syllabus, please consult the professor, or the college catalog/student handbook. This syllabus is not intended to be all inclusive of classroom and college policies and procedures.

    Homework Sets: 

    Learning Chemistry requires practice... 

      Each week I will post a homework set on Blackboard.

      Each weekend there will be a submission form on Blackboard for the answers to 4 of the problems in the homework set. I will not announce which problems are being graded and each student will recieve a different set of 4 problems to answer. So to be prepared you need to do them all.

      I will have office hours each week on Thursday mornings from 9-11AM in Room 130 DLC. If you need help with the homework this is the time to get it.



      Homework (Best 10 @ 10 pts each) 100
      Quizzes (Best 10 at 10 pts each) 100
      Exams (Best 3 of 4 at 100 pts each) 300
      Final Exam (Cumulative) 200
      Total 700
    • Grading Scale:
      Final grades in the course will be assigned based on the percentage of total possible points in the course, according to the following percentile scale:

      90-100% A
      80-89% B
      70-79% C
      Below 70% D/F

      The above scale represents the minimum grade for that percentile range, and the instructor may modify the grade cut-off percentiles downward if necessary to compensate for problematic exams or other factors. The instructor may also wish to provide modified grading scales for individual exams that deviate from the above scale in order to help students track their performance in the course; however, any adjustments to the final grading scale will be based on point totals at the end of the course.

      Academic Honor Policy
      The Florida State University Academic Honor Policy outlines the University’s expectations for the integrity of students’ academic work, the procedures for resolving alleged violations of those expectations, and the rights and responsibilities of students and faculty members throughout the process. Students are responsible for reading the Academic Honor Policy and for living up to their pledge to “. . . be honest and truthful and . . . [to] strive for personal and institutional integrity at Florida State University.”
      See Academic Honor Policy  for more details.

      Missed Quiz or Exam Policy: If you must miss a Quiz or Exam because of illness or emergency, contact your Recitation TA as soon as possible. Quizzes and exams missed for an acceptable reason will be handled as follows: The missed quiz or exam will be pro-rated by averaging the rest of your quiz or exam grades, respectively and substituting that average for the missing grade. Quizzes or Exams missed without a reasonable, documented excuse will receive a grade of zero.

      Examples of Reasonable Excuses (Documentation) Include: 

    • Illness (Note from Doctor or Thagard)
    • Jury Duty or Court Date (Copy of Summons)
    • Car Accident or Breakdown (Accident report or bill including time of incident)
    • Death in Family (Copy of Obituary or service Document)

      This is not an all inclusive list but should give you a general idea of the magnitude of an acceptable excuse and the type of documentation required to substantiate it. Other problems will be dealt with on an individual basis.

    Important Campus Resources

    • Dirac Science Library:  The library is located directly across from the Dittmer laboratory of Chemistry and directly in front of Fisher Lecture Hall. It provides a rich source of instructional materials, including books, journals, reference texts, and online databases.  Students must have a campus ID card to check out materials.  Students can access the online databases from off-campus.  Bring a current student ID card to get the passwords and authorization numbers.  Further information can be found at http://www.fsu.edu/~library/

    • Computing Services:  All current FSU students have free acns accounts and free email accounts at the campus. Directions for logging into your acns account and for registering for your free email account can be found at http://fsuid.fsu.edu/ .  If you have any problems with your account or forget your password, call the Help Desk at 644-8502.

    • ChemSketch from ASD Software can be downloaded for free. Click here to go to the download site.  Tutorials can help you learn to use this program.  Click here to go to the tutorial site.

    • AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: Students with disabilities needing academic accommodation should: (1) register with and provide documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center; and (2) bring a letter to the instructor indicating the need for accommodation and what type. This should be done during the first week of class. This syllabus and other class materials are available in alternative format upon request. For more information about services available to FSU students with disabilities, contact the: Student Disability Resource Center .  97 Woodward Avenue, South.  Florida State University.  Tallahassee, FL 32306-4167.  (850) 644-9566 (voice).  (850) 644-8504 (TDD) sdrc@admin.fsu.edu

    • Need Help with your lab or homework?  Visit the Chemistry Help Room. The help room is located in Room 520 HTL and is open daily from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. For a schedule of when your T.A. is available Click here. We also have a list of private tutors available in 208 HTL . 

    • Having Trouble finding the Hoffman Teaching Laboratory (HTL) Building?  This link will connect you to an interactive Campus Map