
Purpose | Background |Procedure | Report

Reactions in Aqueous Solutions: Strong Acids and Bases




SAFETY NOTES: Acids and Bases can cause burns if they come in contact with your skin. Wash your hands immediately if you feel a burning or itching sensation. Use all necessary precautions when handling the acid and base containers.

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: This experiment is to be done in pairs, one partner will do the acid dilutions and the other the base dilutions. Be sure to get all of the information from your partner before leaving the lab

Part I: Preparing Salt Solution  
Styrofoam Cups
    Obtain approximately 15 mL of 0.5M HCl (red solution) in a clean beaker and15 mL 0.5M NaOH (blue solution) in a clean beaker.
Cell Setup
    Using a graduated cylinder, measure out and combine exactly 10 mL of NaOH with 10mL of HCl in a clean 250mL beaker.
Fill Middle Cup
    Place the beaker with the acid-base mixture on a hot plate and set to 100 oC. Allow the mixture to boil gently until all liquid has evaporated.
Fill the Cups with Metal Solutions

Place a watch glass over the mouth of the beaker if the salt starts to “spit” out.

While the solution is boiling off, continue on to part 2.

Part II: Acid-Base Reactions and pH  
Turn on the Voltmeter
    Calibrate the pH meter using the three way calibration procedure provided by your TA.
Clean Metals
    Collect 100 mL of D.I. water and measure the pH.  Record the pH in your lab notebook.
Attach Positive Clips
    Collect a 25 mL volumetric flask from the front counter.
Attach the Negative Clips

    Using a graduated 1.0 mL pipette, the 25mL volumetric flask and either the acid or base,  perform four serial dilutions using 0.5 mL of stock solution at each step.

    For example: Dilution one, pipette, using the three way bulb, 0.5 mL of 0.5M HCl OR 0.5 mL of 0.5M NaOH into the 25mL volumetric flask and dilute to the 25mL mark with DI water. Pour the solution into a clean beaker and then repeat until all dilutions are made.

    Calculate the resulting, NaCl, H+ and OH- concentrations as you did in your pre-lab.

Measure the Potential

Record the pH of all 4 HCl dilutions and then of all 4 NaOH dilutions

    Combine the solutions of acid and base by adding the 0.5M solution of NaOH with the 0.5M solution of HCl. Record the resulting pH. Repeat the combination of solutions for the other four dilutions. Record the pH for each combination.
Part III: Experimental Yield  
Measure the Potential
    Carefully remove the breaker and watch glass from the hotplate using the oven gloves provided. Allow the beaker to cool to room temperature.
Measure the Potential
    Separately weigh the beaker and watch glass containing the salt residue to the nearest 0.001g and record the value in your lab notebook.
Measure the Potential
    After weighing, clean and dry the beaker and watch glass thoroughly. Reweigh the now empty beaker and watch glass to the nearest 0.001g and record the value in your lab notebook.







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