
Purpose | Background |Procedure | Report

Redox Reactions in Voltaic Cells: Construction of a Potential Series




The purpose should be several well constructed sentences dealing with the major topics of this experiment, consider both conceptual and technique based topics. The procedure section should site the lab manual and also note any changes made to the procedure in the lab manual. This section should also state which three metals you used for the experiment.

The data section for this experiment should include a data table similar to the one below:

Cell representation

Anode reaction

1/2 cathode

Over all reaction


Ecell Exp

% error

Feo|Fe2+|| Cu2+|Cuo

Feo to
Fe2+ + 2e-
E =

Cu2+ + 2e-
to Cuo
E =

Feo + Cu2+
  Fe2+ + Cuo




2nd cell


3rd cell

4th cell
...nth cell

An example for the cell representation and half reaction is included in this data table. Use this representation example to complete the cells you did. The Ecell theoretical can be determined using the half cell potential table found in your textbook. Simply find the half reactions of your cell and use the following formula: Ecell= Ecathode – Eanode. The Ecell experimental values are those collected using the multimeter during lab.

The calculation section should include sample calculations for determining Ecell theoretical .

The conclusion section should be several well developed paragraphs and cover the following information: a) a potential series by ranking the metals according to which is the strongest oxidizing agent, which is the next strongest and which is the weakest and b) a potential series by ranking metals according to which is the strongest reducing agent, which is the next strongest and which is the weakest. Both of these potential series rankings should be supported using your results. A discussion on the relationship of the weakest reducing metal to the strongest oxidizing metal should also be included. Another discussion should be included on the comparison of the Ecell theoretical and Ecell experimental along with the percent error values. Finally discuss any errors that might have lead to the discrepancies in the Ecell values.

Answer the following questions:

  1. What does the magnitude and sign on Ecell tell you about the cell?

  2. Explain the difference between oxidation, reduction, an oxidizing agent and a reducing agent.












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