Department Mission
FLORIDA STATE / ABOUT US / Department Mission
Our Mission
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry serves the State of Florida and the nation by performing innovative research, teaching and cooperative efforts that drive scientific discovery in the molecular sciences. We recognize research as the vehicle to advancing knowledge, to educating and training the next generation of scientists and professionals in chemistry, biochemistry, and related fields, and to providing a foundation that enables citizens to understand science and its role in our society.
Our Goal
Our goal is to become a leading department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, recognized internationally for the high quality, creativity and impact of our research programs and for our ability to produce high quality students to be future leaders of the scientific community who will maintain and develop our nation’s leading role in the global innovation-based economy.
Guiding Principles
We are committed to the principles of academic freedom that allow the pursuit of scientific inquiry freely and aim to inspire our students with the same sense of professionalism and responsibility.