Study lays out chirality-flipping theory
Dr. DePrince, Dr. Hanson, and coworkers use the power of math and computers to demonstrate that an optical cavity can be used to control chirality.
Here comes the sun: Research team mimics nature to create hydrogen fuel
A team of scientists from Florida State University and University of South Carolina have found a way to mimic photosynthesis — converting light energy into chemical fuel in the lab. Their study is published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
Celebrating our recent Chemistry Ph.D. Graduates at our Hooding Ceremony
The FSU Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry welcomes its latest cohort of Ph.D. graduates during a hooding ceremony in the Kroto auditorium.
FSU chemistry doctoral student receives Department of Energy research award to build safer, better batteries
A Florida State University doctoral student working to replace these materials with safer alternatives will get the chance to further this work with the support of an Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) Award from the Department of Energy.
Biochemistry alumna earns NSF postdoctoral fellowship to alleviate vitamin A deficiencies through orange corn
Kerestin Goodman (2021 Ph.D. from FSU) receives a $78,000 NSF Fellowship to work alongside researchers at Purdue University examining how to enhance nutritional benefits of corn by breeding corn high in nutritional compounds called carotenoids.
FSU team develops new strategy to create blue light from promising material
The Ma research group has developed a new way to create blue light from a class of materials that shows enormous potential for optoelectronic devices, including solar cells, light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and lasers.
FSU Chemist Wins Prestigious American Chemical Society Award
Igor Alabugin, a Distinguished Research Professor with the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, was selected by the Florida chapter of the ACS to receive the 2022 Florida Award in recognition of his contributions to the chemistry field.
Shine a light: New research shows how low-energy light can bend plastic
A team of Florida State University researchers has uncovered a way to use low-energy light to manipulate photopolymers or plastic films — a finding that has implications for a wide range of technologies that use light as an energy source to create shape-shifting structures.
FSU Chemistry Doctoral Student Wins ACS Award for Research on Recyclability
Brianna Coia (Kennemur Group) has won the ACS POLY Graduate Student Travel Awards to present her work at the 2022 ACS Meeting in Chicago
FSU study on banana browning could help tackle food waste
The Steinbock research group investigated the formation and spread of brown spots on bananas, a striking case of biological pattern formation. In research published in Physical Biology, the team described how the spots appear during a two-day window, rapidly expand, but then mysteriously stall, leaving a sharp distinction between spots of brown and the still-yellow peel.