FSU researchers develop new X-ray detection technology
FSU researchers have developed a new material that could be used to make flexible X-ray detectors that are less harmful to the environment and cost less than existing technologies.
FSU chemistry graduate students chosen to organize Kasha symposium
A group of Florida State University graduate students have been selected to present “Illuminating the Field of Photophysics: 100 Years of Michael Kasha,” a symposium at the American Chemical Society’s national meeting, celebrating the former FSU professor who was one of the world’s foremost photochemists.
Paint by atomic numbers: FSU chemistry professor teaches students the science behind art
Prof. Mike Shatruk uses “Chemistry in Art” class to connect the dots between two seemingly disparate subject areas.
FSU student awarded prestigious fellowship from U.S. Department of Energy
Judith Roth, a doctoral student in the Department of Chemistry, was one of 62 graduate students from across the nation selected for the DOE’s Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) Program.
Undergraduate Researcher Brooke Sabin Wins Grinter Fellowship
Brooke Sabin, a spring 2020 biochemistry graduate, has been awarded the University of Florida Graduate School Grinter Fellowship.
FSU researchers discover new structure for promising class of materials
Ma’s group has published a new study in Science Advances that explains how his team created a hollow nanostructure for metal halide perovskites that would allow the material to emit a highly efficient blue light.
The art of science (FSU Spectrum)
The images shared by the Hanson Research Group on Twitter look more like installments in a neon art exhibit than snapshots from a chemistry laboratory.
FSU researchers look to natural products to shed light on protein interactions in cancer, neurological diseases
A team of FSU researchers have found that a natural product from the fungus Fusicoccum amygdali stabilizes proteins that mediate important signaling pathways involved in the pathology of cancer and neurological diseases.
Zhicheng Jin wins Best Presentation Award at SPIE
Zhicheng Jin won the first prize of Young Investigator Award for the presentation and paper presented at SPIE conference San Francisco.
FSU Chemistry Professors Contribute to the Plutonium Handbook, 2nd Edition
Professors, Dr. Thomas E. Albrecht-Schmitt and Dr. David E. Hobart. contibuted two chapters to the new Plutonium Handbook.