Dr. Robert W. Schurko, Professor

Professional Preparation/Appointments
B.Sc. University of Manitoba (1992)
M.Sc. University of Manitoba (1994)
Ph.D. Dalhousie University (1998)
Contact Information
rschurko@fsu.edu | ||
Office | 3806 CSL | 850.645.8614 |
Lab | 3805 CSL |
Programs of Research
Physical, Materials, Analytical
Research Specialties
Solid State Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Photochemistry and Spectroscopy
Research Interest
We focus upon the use of solid-state NMR (SSNMR) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and quantum chemical (DFT) calculations for the study of materials, including organic solids (e.g., pharmaceuticals), hybrid organic-inorganic systems (e.g., metal-organic frameworks and nanoparticles), and organometallic complexes (e.g., catalytic precursors). My students and I are working on the development of NMR crystallography, a method in which molecular-level structures of crystalline materials can be determined utilizing experimentally measured and theoretically derived NMR data as primary metrics. Finally, I am also very interested in understanding the spin physics underlying NMR experiments, and work on the development and applications of pulse sequences for the acquisition of SSNMR spectra of isotopes of elements from across the periodic table – we focus on designing methodologies for efficient acquisition of ultra-wideline NMR spectra (i.e., with powder patterns that are 250 kHz to several MHz in breadth – for comparison, most NMR peaks have breadths of a few Hz or less).
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Peach, A. A.; Holmes, S. T.; MacGillivray, L. R.; Schurko, R. W. The Formation and Stability of Fluoxetine HCl Cocrystals Investigated by Multicomponent Milling. J. CrystEngComm , 2023, 25, 213. |
Abdulla, L. M.; Peach, A. A.; Holmes, S. T.; Dowdell, Z. T.; Watanabe, L. K.; Iacobelli, E. M.; Hirsh, D. A.; Rawson, J. M.; Schurko, R. W. Synthesis and Characterization of Xylazine Hydrochloride Polymorphs, Hydrates, and Cocrystals: A 35Cl Solid-State NMR and DFT Study. Cryst. Growth Des. 2023, 23, 3412. |
Holmes, S. T.; Hook, J. M.; Schurko, R. W. Nutraceuticals in Bulk and Dosage Forms: Analysis by 35Cl and 14N Solid-State NMR and DFT Calculations. Mol. Pharm. 2022, 19, 440. |
Jaroszewicz, M. J.; Altenhof, A. R.; Schurko, R. W.; Frydman, L. Sensitivity Enhancement by Progressive Saturation of the Proton Reservoir: A Solid-State NMR Analogue of Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 19778. |
Gonzalez-Nelson, A.; Mula, S.; Šimėnas, M.; Balčiu̅nas, S.; Altenhof, A. R.; Vojvodin, C. S.; Canossa, S.; Banys, J.; Schurko, R. W.; Coudert, F.-X.; van der Veen, M. A. Emergence of Coupled Rotor Dynamics in Metal–Organic Frameworks via Tuned Steric Interactions. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 12053. |