Florida State / Research / Research Facilities / X-Ray Lab
X-Ray Characterization Center
The X-ray Crystallography Center (XCC) offers high-level instrumentation and expertise in sample analysis and crystal structure determination from X-ray diffraction data. The XCC facility houses three newly acquired Rigaku instruments: a Synergy-S four-circle single-crystal diffractometer with a dual-source Cu/Mo radiation, a SmartLab powder diffractometer, and a MiniFlex benchtop powder diffractometer (both with Cu sources). In addition to these instruments, facility users also enjoy access to a dual-source (Cu/Mo) Panalytical X’Pert Pro powder diffractometer, and a Panalytical Epsilon X-ray fluorescence analyzer. Beyond the excellent instrumental capabilities, the XCC also offers expertise and user training in X-ray methods provided by the facility director, Dr. Xinsong Lin. Facility users also have access to the Cambridge Crystal Structure Database (CCSD) for organic and organometallic compounds and to the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD) for inorganic materials, as well as to the extensive Powder Diffraction File (PDF) database.
Phone | Location | Hours | Facility Director |
(850) 645.5767 | 1011 CSL | 8:00 – 5:00 M-F | Xinsong Lin |
Laboratory Instruments
Panalytical X’PERT Pro Powder X-Ray Diffractometer

The X’PERT Pro uses the PreFIX concept to allow rapid exchange of system modules without additional alignment to perform additional analysis on a sample. Powder samples can be analyzed in reflectance or transmission mode and the X-ray tube can be rotated between line focus and point focus. Several sample holders can be used for powders or in capillaries, some with Anton Paar temperature stages.
- Model: X’PERT Pro MPD
- Max. Operating Pressure: 800 bar @ 5mL/min
- Light sources: Copper X-ray tube (standard), Molybenum X-ray tube, both long fine focus, 60 kV, 55 mA
- Detector: X’Celerator RTMS detector (Real Time Multiple Strip)
Internal: $11/day
External (academic): $33/day
External (commercial): $66/day
CSL 1011
Rigaku SmartLab Powder X-Ray Diffractometer

This X-ray diffraction system features the PhotonMax high-flux 9 kW rotating anode X-ray source coupled with a 1D measurement modes. The system incorporates a high-resolution θ/θ closed loop goniometer drive system. The system’s new Cross-Beam-Optics (CBO) family feature fully automated switchable reflection and transmission optics (CBO-Auto). It is easy to switch between hardware modes by the design of coupling a computer controlled alignment system with a fully automated optical system, and the User Guidance functionality within the SmartLab Studio II software.
- Model: SmartLab
- Integrated intelligent Guidance software enables fully automated measurement including optics and sample alignment.
- D/teX Ultra 250 1D detector accelerates powder diffraction by a factor of 250 in speed and provides adjustable energy resolution of approximately 20% or 4% depending on sample type.
Internal: $11/day
External (academic): $33/day
External (commercial): $66/day
CSL 1008 B
Rigaku MiniFlex Powder X-Ray Diffractometer

New sixth generation MiniFlex benchtop X-ray diffractometer is a multipurpose powder diffraction analytical instrument that can determine: crystalline phase identification (phase ID) and quantification, percent (%) crystallinity, crystallite size and strain, lattice parameter refinement, Rietveld refinement, and molecular structure. It is widely used in research, especially in material science and chemistry, as well as in industry for research and quality control.
- Model: MiniFlex
- Compact, fail-safe radiation enclosure
- Incident beam variable slit
- Factory aligned goniometer system
Internal: $11/hour
External (academic): $33/hour
External (commercial): $66/hour
CSL 1011
Rigaku XtaLAB Synergy-S Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer

The Rigaku XtaLAB Synergy-S produces fast, precise data in an intelligent fashion, using a combination of leading edge components and user-inspired software tied together through a highly parallelized architecture. The system is based around the PhotonJet-S series of Cu and Mo microfocus X-ray sources that incorporate continuously variable divergence slits. The XtaLAB Synergy-S single crystal X-ray diffractometer comes with kappa goniometer that incorporates fast motor speeds and a unique telescopic two-theta arm to provide total flexibility for the diffraction experiment.
- Model: XtaLAB Synergy-S
- High source flux and increased goniometer speed to allow quicker, more agile experiments
- Unique telescopic two-theta arm to reach both longer and shorter crystal-to-detector distances
- Enhanced kappa goniometer design with symmetrical 2θ positioning
- Improved X-ray optic alignment mechanism for easy maintenance
Internal Users: $23/hr; max $69/day
External (academic): $69/hour
External (commercial): $138/hour
CSL 1011
Panalytical Epsilon 3 X-Ray Fluorometer

The Epsilon 3 is a compact energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer designed for elemental analysis of a wide range of samples. Equipped with a rhodium X-ray tube and a silicon drift detector, the Epsilon 3 will detect elements from sulfur to uranium. OMNIAN software allows semiquantitative, standardless determination of unknowns. The user may create standard sets to analyze samples whose elemental composition is known. Ten samples may be loaded on the carousel for automatic measurement. Samples can be run in air or helium.
- Model: Epsilon 3 XL (15 W)
- Source: Rhodium X-ray tube, 50 kV, 3000 µA maximum
- Detector: Silicon drift detector
Internal: $5/hour
External (academic): $15/hour
External (commercial): $30/hour
CSL 1008 B