Undergraduate Advising


The FSU Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry’s Advising Office is dedicated to the success of our students. Our four, full-time staff members are here to help them navigate:

  • Course planning and registration
  • FSU policies
  • Degree requirements
  • Career planning
  • Graduate school preparation
  • Research & scholarship opportunities
  • Major changes (within Chemistry programs)
  • Hold removals
  • Resource referrals

We expect our students to meet with a department advisor at least once per semester. During these meetings we’ll check on their progress towards university and degree requirements as well as explore available opportunities. We understand that university requirements can sometimes be difficult to navigate and our top priority is to serve as a resource and advocate as they progress towards a bachelor’s degree.


Contact Us

Our advisors are available via email and phone during regular business hours (M-F, 8:00am–5:00pm). We are also available for in-person meetings during walk-in hours and by appointment. Walk-in hours are set each semester. Notifications will be sent if there is a change to the schedule. Appointments can be set as well – please log on to Campus Connect to schedule your appointment.

Quick Note: Students can access Campus Connect by selecting the CC icon in myFSU.


Advising Office Manager

Garrett Enfinger
Sr. Academic Program Specialist
Office: Dittmer 317
Email: gme24@fsu.edu
Phone number: 850-644-7613


Undergraduate Advisor

Rose Bridges
Freshman/Sophomore Level Chemistry/Biochemistry Advisor
Office: Dittmer 316
Email: rbridges2@fsu.edu
Phone number: 850-644-8434


Undergraduate Advisor

Joshua Cummings
Upper-level Chemistry/Biochemistry Advisor and
Student Affairs Coordinator

Office: Dittmer 318
Email: jcummings@chem.fsu.edu
Phone number: 850-644-6004


Academic Support Assistant

Nerissa Feracho
Advising Office Assistant
Office: Dittmer 312
Email: nferacho@fsu.edu
Phone number: 850-644-3810


Graduate Advisor

Lori Henley
Graduate Program Coordinator
Office: Dittmer 315
Email: lahayes@chem.fsu.edu
Phone number: 850-645-0651


Find Us

The FSU Chemistry and Biochemistry advising suite is located on the third floor of the Dittmer Building, Office Suite 312. Take a left out of the elevator.

Map to Advising