The Group:
Zach Barton
Amir Zarei
Md Sahab Uddin
Juan Hernandez
Luke Marzano
Much thanks to the FSU undergraduates contributing to our research: Katelyn Wix, Emily Cope, Ben Schwartz, and many others!
Group News:
Congratulations to Dr. James Larson for defending his dissertation in April 2023!
Congratulations to Katelyn for graduating; best of luck starting grad school at Univ. North Carolina in Fall 2023!
Juan Hernandez, Md Sahab Uddin, and Amir Zarei joined the group in Fall 2022. Welcome to the group!
Congratulations to Dr. Jo Haddock for defending her dissertation in July 2022!
Zach Barton joined the group in Fall 2020. Welcome to the group!
Mary Hertz and Wes Potter defended their dissertations via Zoom in June 2020! Congrats, doctors!
James Larson joined the group in Spring 2020. Welcome to the group!
Mary Hertz and Dr. Latturner spent a week at the Spallation Neutron Source at ORNL in November 2019 collecting single crystal neutron diffraction data on complex metal hydrides.
Congratulations to Jo Haddock for advancing to candidacy in August 2019!
Tate Engstrand and Guillermo Vasquez defended their dissertations in June 2019. Congratulations, Doctors!
Guillermo Vasquez and Dr. Latturner spent a week at ORNL in October 2018 collecting in-situ neutron powder diffraction data on magnesium flux reactions, observing the crystallization of two silicide intermetallics.
Wes Potter and Dr. Latturner spent a week at ORNL in January 2018 collecting neutron diffraction data on a single crystal of a new uranium intermetallic compound.
Dr. Ashini Jayasinghe joined the group in Fall 2017 to work on uranium intermetallics as part of the Center for Actinide Science and Technology. Welcome to the group!
Mary Hertz standing on the TOPAZ beamline at the Spallation Neutron Source. The spallation happens in the round concrete bunker behind her; the resulting neutron beam travels in the channel beneath her feet to hit the crystal in the TOPAZ diffractometer.
Group Alumni:
Ashini Jayasinghe (now Glenn Seaborg Distinguished Postdoctoral Associate at Idaho National Laboratory)
Mary Hertz (now Instructor at Air Force Academy)
Wes Potter (now at Valdosta State University)
Guillermo Vasquez
Tate Engstrand
Matt Dickman (now at University of North Florida)
Ryan Groom (now at Starfire Energy in Colorado)
Sixuan Zhou (now at Samsung)
Xiaowei Ma (now at E-One Moli Energy (Canada))
Julia Zaikina (now at Iowa State University)
Evan Benbow (now Development Scientist at Eos Energy Storage)
Milorad Stojanovic (now Adjunct Prof. at U. South Alabama)
Jeff Whalen (now at National High Magnetic Field Lab)
Gina Canfield (now at Tyndall AFB Air Force Research Lab)
Parisa Mahjoor (now teaching at Cal State Fullerton, UCLA)
David Lang (now at Intercat Inc.)
Patricia Tucker (nee Reynolds) (now at Guardian Industries)
Trevor Blankenship
Kurt Silsby
Group Pictures
Wes Potter looking at the reactor pool at the ORNL High Flux Isotope Reactor, and working with Dr. Huibo Cao on the 4-circle single crystal neutron diffractometer on beamline HB-3a.
Trevor Blankenship and Dr. Latturner went to the SNS at ORNL in Nov 2013, to collect neutron diffraction data on the TOPAZ diffractometer.see pictures
Xiaowei Ma and Dr. Latturner spent a week at the High Flux Isotope Reactor at ORNL in Jan. 2013, collecting neutron diffraction data. see pictures
Farewell dinner for Xiaowei at Kool Beanz, Nov. 2013: Josiah, Xiaowei, Sixuan, Danielle, Trevor, Daniel, Ryan.
Xiaowei and Trevor at NASSCC 2013, along with Corey Thompson and Kirill Kovnir.
Parisa and Gina at graduation, Fall 2009