News Archive

June 2024 – Congratulations to Amanda Ritz, our first PhD from the lab! Amanda successfully defended her thesis on, “Advances in nanomaterial engineering for electrochemical biosensing and electrocatalysis applications.” The lab wishes her the best for her future.

June 2024 – Lazenby lab sponsors three participants of the Young Scholars Program. We welcome high school students Donald, Sonia and Lucas, who are joining the lab for research experience over the Summer.

June 2024 – Ana Ramirez is selected as a winner of the Dean’s Award for Doctoral Excellence (DADE) (2024). Congratulations Ana!

May 2024 – Renee, Matthew and Olivia graduate. Congratulations to all our undergraduate researchers who are graduating from FSU this week.

April 2024 – Ana and Yusuf present at NanoFlorida 2024. Ana and Yusuf gave oral presentations at this year’s NanoFlorida conference.

April 2024 – Matthew, Renee and Mia present at FSU’s 24th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS). Our undergraduate researchers present their work at one of the largest university-based symposia in the country.

February 202– New paper on electrodeposited gold surfaces for electrochemical aptamer based sensing. Amanda’s paper on electrodeposited gold surfaces for electrochemical aptamer based sensors is accepted for publication in ACS Applied Bio Materials. Congratulations also to our undergraduate coauthors, Olivia and Danté:

February 202– Ana and Rob present at the GNC. Congratulations to Ana, who won third place poster prize at the Global Nanobiotechnology Consortium Conference 2024 at the University of South Florida (

December 2023 – New SICM imaging paper. Yusuf’s paper on using SICM to study apoptosis is accepted for publication in Analytical Methods:

November 2023 – Yusuf passes his Candidacy Exam. The group congratulates Yusuf for advancing to candidacy.

November 2023 – New group member. We welcome Justin Oh to the lab, who will begin research on new electrocatalysts for water splitting.

November 2023 – New paper on bimetallic FeCo carbides as electrocatalysts for the OER. Amanda’s research paper on the electrocatalytic activity and surface oxide reconstruction of bimetallic iron-cobalt nanocarbide electrocatalysts is accepted for publication in RSC Advances:

October 2023 – Ana passes 2nd year talk. Congratulations to Ana for reaching this PhD milestone.

September 2023 New concept review. Debashis’ concept review paper on fabricating and using electrochemical biosensor arrays for multiple analyte detection is accepted for publication in Analysis & Sensing:

June 2023 – Yusuf Muhammed is selected as a winner of the Dean’s Award for Doctoral Excellence (DADE) (2023). Congratulations Yusuf!

June 2023 – The lab presents at FAME 2023. Yusuf and Amanda present talks, and Ana and Debashis present posters, at the 99th Florida Annual Meeting and Exposition (FAME), in Palm Harbor.

May 2023 – The lab recruits new undergraduate student researchers. The lab welcomes Matthew, Renee, Mia and Michael, who have joined the lab to contribute to various research projects this Summer.

May 2023 – Debashis and Yusuf present at MSB 2023. Debashis gives his first talk, and Yusuf presents a poster, at the 39th International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis, held in Tallahassee.

May 2023 – Julian and Danté graduate. Congratulations to Julian and Danté for graduating, and good luck for the future.

April 2023 – Debashis passes his candidacy. The group congratulates Debashis for advancing to candidacy.

April 2023 – Amanda passes 4th year talk. Congratulations to Amanda for reaching this PhD milestone.

April 2023 – New paper on multianalyte detection using aptasensors. Debashis’ demonstration of selective modification of Au surfaces with aptamers in a microelectrode sensor array for simultaneous detection of multiple analytes is accepted for publication in Analytical Chemistry:

April 2023 – Jamma, Olivia and Julian present at FSU’s Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS). Our undergrads give excellent presentations at one of the largest university-based symposia in the country.

April 2023 – Our undergraduate lab members accept positions in graduate school, starting Fall 2023. Sam will start at the University of Texas at Austin on the Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship, and Nick will start at North Carolina State University.

March 2023 – Rob, Amanda and Yusuf present at Spring ACS 2023. Lab members visit Indianapolis to present their latest research

November 2022 – Yusuf passes 2nd year talk. Congratulations to Yusuf for reaching this PhD milestone.

October 2022 – Ana Ramirez joins the group. Welcome to our new graduate student, Ana.

August 2022 – Rob, Amanda and Debashis give presentations at Fall ACS 2022, in Chicago. It’s been a busy week of talks and poster sessions in Chicago.

August 2022 – Rob, Amanda and Debashis give oral presentations at FAME: The electrochemistry symposium, organized by Lazenby, at the 98th Florida Annual Meeting and Exposition (FAME) conference was a great success, with speakers from Florida electrochemistry groups.

August 2022 – Yusuf wins poster prize at the FAME conference: Congratulations to Yusuf, for winning first place poster prize at the 98th Florida Annual Meeting and Exposition (FAME) conference.

June 2022 – Amanda and Nick give online poster presentations at the Society of Electroanalytical Chemists (SEAC) event: This electrochemistry virtual poster session was held in to allow students to present their cancelled Pittcon 2022 presentations.

May 2022 – Well done to Nick for winning the Manner Award at Pittcon: Nick is one of four recipients of the Manner Award, from the Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh (SACP) students affiliates.

April 2022 Well done to Nick for winning the 2022 I. M. Kolthoff Award: Nick won Kolthoff Award, from the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry. Check out all the winners here:

April 2022 Debashis Presents Second Year Talk: Debashis meets an early PhD milestone, presenting his work on simultaneous multiple analyte detection.

April 2022 Undergrads present posters at FSU Undergraduate Research Symposium: Olivia, Danté, Nick and Sam give in-person poster presentations at the university.

March 2022 The Lab presents virtual posters at Pittcon 2022: Rob, Nick, Debashis and Amanda give virtual poster presentations at Pittcon 2022.

February 2022 – New Graduate Student Joins the Lab: The lab welcomes first year graduate student Yusuf Muhammed.

November 2021 – Amanda passes her candidacy examination: The lab congratulates Amanda Ritz as she advances to candidacy!

November 2021 – New Graduate Student Joins the Lab: The lab welcomes first year graduate student Tiffany Simpson.

September 2021 – The lab attends FAME conference in Gainesville. Danté and Debashis presented posters, and Amanda and Nick gave talks at the University of Florida, for the 96th Florida Annual Meeting and Exposition (FAME) conference.

August 2021 – Amanda presents at ACS 2021: Amanda gave a talk presentation on her research on electrodeposited surfaces as substrates for electrochemical aptasensors, in Atlanta, GA.

August 2021 – Research Faculty Presentation: Dr. Robert Lazenby, 3:30pm – 4:30pm Tuesday, August 10th, 2021 (For new FSU graduate students).

July 2021 – Amanda presents poster at workshop “Post-Lithium Research: Women in Focus”: Amanda gave a virtual poster presentation on using iron-cobalt nanocarbides as electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction.

June 2021 New Paper: Read about repetitive laser induced drug release from micron-sized liposomes, in a paper from research carried out with the White and Park groups at the University of Cincinnati:

May 2021 – New Undergraduate Student Joins the Lab: Welcome to Danté Comer, who joins the lab in the Summer for undergraduate research.

April 2021 – Nathan, Emily and Elly celebrate their graduation: Congratulations to Nathan Jones for graduating with a Masters in Chemistry, and congratulations to Elly Maldur and Emily Galvan for graduating with a Bachelors in Biochemistry.

April 2021 – Sam and Nick present their research: Sam and Nick virtually presented posters at the FSU undergraduate research symposium (URS) 2021.

March 2021 – New Graduate Students Join the Lab: The lab welcomes first year graduate students Dara Olasupo and Debashis Sen on March 15th.

August 2020 – Research Faculty Presentation: Dr. Robert Lazenby, 4:15PM – 4:45PM Wednesday, August 12th, 2020 on Zoom. (For new FSU graduate students).

July 2020 – New Undergraduate Students Join the Lab: We welcome Elly Maldur and Emily Galvan to the lab. Due to the ongoing coronvirus pandemic, which limits lab occupancy, Elly and Emily are learning about our research through Zoom, with a hope to enter the lab as society reopens.

March 2020 New Paper: Read about using laser induced drug release from liposomes, in a paper from research carried out with the White and Park groups at the University of Cincinnati:

January 2020 – New Undergraduate Students Join the Lab: The lab welcomes first year undergraduate students Nick Volya and Sam Wenzel.

November 2019 – New Graduate Students Join the Lab: The lab welcomes first year graduate students Amanda Ritz and Nathan Jones on November 1st.

October 2019 – First Year Rotations: Will begin at the start of October.

August 2019 – Research Faculty Presentation: Dr. Robert Lazenby, 3:30pm – 4:30pm Tuesday, August 13th, 2019. Room CSL 1005 (For new FSU graduate students).