Chris Cornejo
Summer 2023
Chris worked on an independent synthesis project with the goal of synthesizing large molecules using photochemistry

Christelle Bucag
FSU, 2021-2023
Christelle helped with mammalian cell culture and cell imaging using fluorescence microscopy. She will be attending medical school at the University of Miami

Shaun Crist
FSU, 2020-2022
Shaun helped with the synthesis of compounds for photophysical studies. He will be attending medical school at the University of Miami.

Dan Stone
FSU, 2020-2022
Dan is interested in synthesis of molecules for biological application. He will be attending graduate school at University of Texas, Austin for chemistry.

Justin Lee
FSU, 2018-2020
Justin is interested in applying chemistry tools to solve biological problems.

Brendan Marlin
2018 summer
Brendan made derivatives of 2-(2′-hydroxyphenyl)benzoxazole, which belong to a class of compounds that may be endowed excitation-dependent emission properties.

Brandon Nusser
2018 REU from Cal. State, Chico
Brandon studied a new class of solvatochromic fluorescent compounds during his 10-week stay.

Nia Harmon
2016-2017, FSU
Nia worked on the synthesis of 5-iodo-1,2,3-triazoles and 5,5′-bis(1,2,3-triazoles).

Grant Zwolinski
2016-2017, FSU, BS 2017
Grant learned mammalian cell culture and fluorescence microscopy. He was also responsible for maintaining the bio labs.

Zachary Hooper
2016-2017, FSU, BS 2018
Zach helped Miguel synthesize zinc-sensitive fluorescent indicators. He also did subcloning, which contributed to Miguel’s projects. He was a co-author on the paper describing anilinyl-containing zinc indicators

Anna Blood
2017 REU, New College of Florida
Anna spent 10 weeks with us in 2017. She was the major contributor to developing the synthetic route of arylenevinylene-substituted 2-hydroxyphenyl benzoxazoles.