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CHM 1020--Chemistry for Liberal Studies--Spring 1999

Chemistry 1020--Lecture 1--Notes:

Explain function of course. Approach new for me, so we are both learning.

Mechanics and grading: quizzes, hour tests, extra credit paper.

group work

Web Page: Demonstrate Web-MC. Go over registering, help, etc.

Discuss Email, Web board

Help: Office hours (often available at other time, sometimes have conflict at scheduled time.

Nature of Science: Interplay of experiment and hypothesis.

(Greeks versus Alchemists)

Chemistry--deals with structure of matter and changes it undergoes.

Non-traditional course--try to relate concepts as things one needs to know to think about the problems we face and the opportunities we have because of advancement in science.


Read the textbook (Chemistry in Context, 2nd ed.). Will try to focus lecture time on the chemical principles discussed--will try to take some time on the pertinent issues.

In many ways the web has revolutionized the way information can be made available--more than one can ever digest. Encourage your surfing for background. Email me with questions you want me to focus on in class--will be impossible for me to lecture on everything pertinent.


Gases Book starts with gases--the simplest form of matter.

(States of Matter)

Change of state accompanied by change in temperature.


Demo Liquid nitrogen (boiling point -196 oC, freezing point -210oC)

Carbon dioxide (sublimes at about -80)

Atmosphere--the gas we are most familiar with is a mixture

Contains: Elements: Oxygen (21%) Nitrogen (78%) Argon (0.9%)

Compounds: Carbon dioxide (0.036%), water vapor (variable--humidity)

Other--trace pollutants--which is the cause for much concern.


Breathing compositon of inhaled and exhaled air differ--body converts food to carbon dioxide and water. How much do you breath a day? Therefore what quantity of pollutants do you encounter? Must do measurements.


Demo Volume of normal breath versus deep breath (measured by upended beaker).

What does your breath contain?


Demo Breathing into calcium hydroxide solution to demonstrate presence of carbon dioxide.


Other common gases: Elements: Hydrogen, Helium., Flourine, Chlorine

Compounds: methane, ethane,propane, butane, acetylene (gaseous fuels)



Physical properties: Densities (balloon Demos. Hydrogen, Oxygen. Nitrogen or air in CO2 chamber)

Balloons: helium versus hydrogen. Hot air balloons.


For next time: Read Chapter 1. Concentrate on differences between elements and compounds.


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