Chemistry 1020--Lecture 2Notes:
Recap: Composition of air:
Chemical properties: Neither Nitrogen nor Carbon dioxide support combustion (candle flame) Demos:
Discuss phlogiston theory and discovery of oxygen. To put these things in context, need to define some terms and develop some classifications. This may be old hat to most of you if youve had chemistry before, but be patient so we are all "on the same page". Matter:
Pure Substances (fixed composition)
Two definitions: Operational and Theoretical
Elements There are 109 known elements. Only about 90 occur naturally. The rest have been made artificially. One of the major breakthroughs in chemistry was the organization of the elements in a periodic table. Demo: Use web to show some periodic tables to obtain information on individual elements. Discuss symbols and names. Discuss organization into families. While on the web, go through other items in the web site. Naming. Discuss names and origins Diatomic elements (H2, O2, N2, F2. Cl2, Br2, I2) Allotropes (ex. O2 and O3; diamond and graphite) Families
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