What Do I Need To Learn?

The objectives for each chapter are given in some detail in your textbook at the end of the chapter. You will be responsible for being able to work the types of problems done in class and recitation, suggested end-of-chapter problems, and problems on the LON-CAPA homework set.

In addition, from time to time, there will be certain things you will just have to memorize, as you would a vocabulary in a language course. Below I list these specific things you will need to learn from memory.

Chapter 1
Metric prefixes.
Approximate English to metric conversions.
Determining correct number of significant figures in a calculation.
Chapter 2
Names of scientists and their contributions to explaining atomic structure
Know the names and symbols of elements 1 to 57, plus W, Pt, Au, Hg, Pb, Bi, At, Rn, Th, U, Np, Pu
Know names and charges on monoatomic ions (Tables 2.3 and 2.4)
Know names and charges on polyatomic ions (Table 2.5)
Know numerical prefixes for hydrates and binary covalent compounds
Know names and formulas of acids and salts
Know names and formulas of binary covalent compounds
Know names of numerical prefixes for hydrates and binary covalent compounds (Table 2.6)
Know names of first ten alkanes (Table 2.7)
Chapter 3
Avogadro's Number
Chapter 4
Solubilities of common ionic compounds in water(Table 4.1)
Strong acids and strong bases (Table 4.2)
Rules for assigning oxidation numbers (Table 4.3)
Chapter 5
Units of pressure (Table 5.2)
Gas Laws
Molecular Weight from Density
Graham's Law of Effusion
van der Waals Equation
Chapter 6
Energy and work definition
Dimensions and units of energy
Internal Energy and Enthalpy Relationships
Isolated, closed, and open systems, definition
First Law of Thermodynamics
Units of heat capacity and specific heat
Hess's Law
Calculation of Enthalpy of reaction from Standard Enthalpies of Formation
Chapter 7
Names of Scientists and their contributions to explaining atomic structure
Equations for interconverting wavelength, frequency, and energy of light quanta
Relative order of spectral regions (not specific wavelength ranges)
Rydberg equation for energy between Bohr orbits
De Broglie equation (wavelength of a particle from its mass and velocity)
Shapes of s, p, and d orbitals
Spherical and planar nodes
Allowed quantum numbers, and quantum numbers associated with different orbitals
Chapter 8
Electron configuration of atoms and ions
Number of unpaired electrons in atoms
Trends in atomic and ionic radii, comparison of sizes
Trends in ionization energy and electron affinity, comparison among atoms
Reaction of metal and non-metal oxides with water
Chapter 9
Ionic bonding and lattice energy
Simple Lewis structures of covalent compounds
Trends in bond order, bond length and bond energy
Trends in electronegativity, comparison of polarity of bonds
Chapter 10
Lewis dot structures, resonance structures, exceptions to the octet rule
Formal charge; oxidation number
Using bond energies to calculate heats of reaction
VSEPR description of electron pair (or group) geometry and molecular geometry
Determining polarity of a molecule from bond polarity and geometry
Chapter 11
Hybrid orbital description and relating geometry to hybridization
Sigma and Pi Bonding
Molecular orbitals, bonding in diatomic molecules of second row elements
Bonding in aromatic compounds
Chapter 12 (if we get that far)
Energetics of phase changes
Interpreting phase diagrams