Some Course Specific Web Links

(Also see the Chemistry Links Library under the McGraw-Hill Content button.)

Web sites of general interest.

Periodic Tables (Look up information on elements.)
Interactive Drill Problems (Play with these instead of computer games!)
Powers of 10 (demonstrates range of size dimensions)

Following are some web links associated with the topics of each chapter.

Chapter 1

Significant figures
Chem Team Tutorial (Geared to High School Chemistry)
Math Skills Review (From Texas A&M)
Graph of Fahrenheit versues Celcius Temperature
Practice Problems (From George Wiger, CSUDH)
Note the first two pages make an issue about rounding a 5 of to the nearest even number. That only applies to the rare situation when it is 5 exactly, so a number like 2.3654 would be rounded to 2.37 to 3 significant figures.

Chapter 2

Thomson's Cathode Ray Experiment
Description (Chem Team tutorial)
Millikan's Oil Drop Experiment
Description (Chem Team tutorial)
Rutherford Scattering Experiment
Description (Chem Team tutorial)
Applet simulation (Molecular Expressions, FSU)
Chem Team Rules and Drills
Interactive Drill (From George Wiger, CSUDH)
Electronic Flashcards (From R. Light, FSU. Naming and formula weight calculations)
Hydrocarbon Structures (From the Mathmol Library at NYU.)
Requires the Chime plug in. Choose the PDB version of the structure.)

Chapter 3

Formulas, Formula Weights, Composition, Moles
Interactive Drill Problems (From George Wiger, CSUDH)
Combustion Analysis (From George Wiger, CSUDH)
Balancing Equations, Reaction Stoichiometry, Limiting Reagents
Interactive Drill Problems (From George Wiger, CSUDH requires Netscape!)
Molar Concentration
Interactive Drill Problems (From George Wiger, CSUDH)

Chapter 4

Identifying Acids and Bases (From George Wiger, CSUDH)
Oxidation Reduction Equations
Tutorial (From Dr. Angela King, Wake Forest University)
High School Chemistry Tutorial (From The Chem Team)
Interactive Drill on Balancing (From George Wiger, CSUDH)

Chapter 5

Molecules in Motion (Java Applet demonstration from Berkeley)
The Lift Pump Enigma
Toricelli's Barometer
Robert Boyle's original data for Boyle's Law
Interactive Drill on Gas Laws (From George Wiger, CSUDH)
High School Chemistry Tutorial on Gas Laws (From The Chem Team)
Chapter 6
Thermite Reaction
Explanation from Purdue Univ.
Explanation and movie demo's from The Catalyst, by Michael Geyer
Heat Transfer Calculations (Drill problems from George Wiger)
Hess's Law (Drill problems from George Wiger)
Heats of Formation (Drill problems from George Wiger requires Netscape)

Chapter 7

Properties of wave motion
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Exploring the Electromagnetic Spectrum (an interactive web site)
Interconverting wavelength, frequency and energy (Drill problems by George Wiger)
Calculating with the Rydberg equation (Drill problems by George Wiger)
Calculations with the de Broglie equation (Drill problems by George Wiger)
Black body radiation (Applet by W. Christian, Davidson College)
One Dimensional standing waves (string) (Applet by Paul Falstad)
Two dimensional standing waves (drum) (Applet by Paul Falstad)
Hydrogen atomic orbital wave motion (Applet by Paul Falstad)
Atomic orbitals (Computer simulation from MIT website)
The Orbitron (A Gallery of Atomic and Molecular Orbitals)
Orbital Viewer (A program and orbital representations by David Manthey)

Chapter 8

Electronic structure of atoms and ions(Drill problems by George Wiger)
Graphing Periodic Properties

Chapter 9

Chemical Bonding (A ChemTeam High School Tutorial)

Chapter 10

Bond Energy (Drill problems by George Wiger)
VSEPR model for predicting molecular geometry
Note:  These pages require you to have the Chemscape Chime plug-in for your browser.  It is best used with Netscape 4.x browsers.
Acetic acid 3D structure

Chapter 11

Hybrid orbitals (Computer simulation from MIT website)
The Orbitron (A Gallery of Atomic and Molecular Orbitals)
Orbital Viewer (A program and orbital representations by David Manthey)