Robley J. Light: Office: 204 DLC Telephone: 644-3844 email:
You should attend the lecture and recitation
section for which you are registered. Lecture: Sections 1-7 MWF 8:00-8:55 am, 275 FLH Recitations (all in 213 HTL): Section 1: Tues. 8:00-8:50 Ref# 07493 Section 2: Tues. 9:00-9:50 Ref# 07501 Section 3: Tues. 10:00-10:50 Ref# 07519 Section 4: Tues. 11:00-11:50 Ref# 07526 Section 5: Tues. 12:00-12:50 Ref# 07533 Section 6: Tues. 1:00-1:50 Ref# 07540 Section 7: Tues. 2:00-2:50 Ref# 07558 Lecture: Sections 8-15 MWF 12:20-1:10 pm, 255 FLH Recitations (all in 213 HTL): Section 8: Thurs. 8:00-8:50 Ref# 07565 Section 9: Thurs. 9:00-9:50 Ref# 07572 Section 10: Thurs. 10:00-10:50 Ref# 07580 Section 11: Thurs. 11:00-11:50 Ref# 07597 Section 12: Thurs. 12:00-12:50 Ref# 07605 Section 13: Thurs. 1:00-1:50 Ref# 07612 Section 14: Thurs. 2:00-2:50 Ref# 07620 Section 15: Thurs. 3:00-3:50 Ref# 07637
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MW 9:15-10:15, MW 1:30-2:30 or by appointment. A schedule of additional office hours of recitation and other instructors will be handed out later.
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Chemistry, The Central Science 6th Edition, by T. L. Brown, H. E. LeMay, Jr., and B. E. Bursten; Prentice-Hall, 1994.
A calculator capable of the operations 10x, ex, log x, and ln x is required.
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MAC 1102 with a grade of "C-" or higher or placement beyond MAC 1102 on the FSU Math Department exam. Alternatively, a SAT Mathematics score of 450 or an ACT Mathematics score of 21 and a Natural Sciences score of 24 combined with a high school chemistry grade of "B" or better.
CHM 1045L, unless you previously passed it.
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This course is intended for science majors who will take further chemistry courses. It will count for liberal studies credit, but non-science majors desiring a single terminal course in chemistry should consider CHM 1020 instead. CHM 1030 is an alternative shorter general chemistry course leading to CHM 2200C, a one-semester organic chemistry course intended for some majors such as nutrition and food science. Students with credit in CHM 1020 or CHM 1030 who are switching to a major requiring the main chemistry sequence may take CHM 1045 for reduced credit.
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There will be three hour exams and a final exam. Note their scheduled dates now, and plan your calendar accordingly. Exam I Friday, February 9 Exam II Friday, March 8 Exam III Friday, April 12 Final Exam Wednesday, April 24, 3:00-5:00 pm Note: This is a block exam time, not the time for 8:00-8:55 MWF or 12:20-1:10 classes. The location of the exam will be provided later. Make-up exams will be available only in case of a legitimately excused absence (sickness, death in family, university business, etc.). In all cases but extreme emergencies, you must notify me of the absence before the exam. All make-up exams will be scheduled during the last class period, Friday, April 19.
Quizzes will be administered in class on Fridays beginning with the second week of class. They will be taken as a group activity, one quiz submitted and graded for each group. There will be a time limit on quizzes.
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Attendance at recitation is highly recommended. This is an opportunity to go over quizzes, review for tests, practice working problems, and ask questions about things that are confusing you. Part of your grade will be determined by your active participation in the recitation sections.
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You are to organize yourselves into groups of four or five individuals. Try to group with individuals in the same recitation section and with similar enough schedules that you will have several blocks of time each week to get together outside of class. All group members should attend the same recitation. Sit together in class and in recitation, as there will be some classroom activities you will be called on to work together. You will work together on quizzes and submit one quiz for the group. You should also meet together at least once or twice a week to work problem sets and prepare for tests.
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Besides reading the chapters ahead, and organizing and completing your notes after each lecture, you should practice working some of the representative problems at the end of the chapters. A good strategy would be to get together in your study groups to work problems. Following is a suggested list of problems to focus on, but if you have difficulty with a particular type of problem, you should choose additional ones to work. As you encounter difficulties, you should seek help during office hours, from the help desk, from your recitation instructor, or by email. Chapter Suggested Problems 1 1.15-1.24, 1.27-1.32, 1.53, 1.56 2 2.3-2.4, 2.15-2.22, 2.27-2.34, 2.39-2.44, 2.57-2.59 3 3.3-3.6, 3.7-3.9, 3.15-3.17, 3.20-3.22, 3.26-3.33, 3.39-3.44, 3.53-3.58, 3.63-3.67 4 4.5-4.12, 4.51-4.56 5 5.17-5.18, 5.25-5.34, 5.41-5.54 6 6.3-6.8, 6.11-6.18, 6.23-6.29, 6.35-6.40, 6.49-6.56, 6.57-6.62 7 7.12-7.26, 7.29-7.31, 7.37-7.40 8 8.7-8.18, 8.21-8.26, 8.32-8.36, 8.37-8.44, 8.51-8.53, 8.57-8.58, 8.63 9 9.1-9.18, 9.27-9.34 10 10.5-10.8, 10.14, 10.16-10.30, 10.33-10.43, 10.49-10.53, 10.55, 10.58-10.60, 10.65-10.68 11 11.7, 11.10, 11.15-11.18, 11.27-11.28, 11.37-11.38, 11.43-ll.45, ll.51-ll.53, ll.59, 11.61, 11.63
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There will be four optional, extra credit, group problems. They must be completed by the group, not individually, and only those members participating will get credit. Each problem will be worth up to 5 points in extra credit.
You will each be given an account on a campus computer which can be used for electronic mail and for exploring the Internet. I will use electronic mail to make class announcements, reading and problem assignments, etc. Old tests and quizzes will be accessible by internet, but not in any other way. The first group problem will involve becoming familiar with finding chemical information on the Internet. You can use electronic mail to ask me questions about the material, indicate which things need more explanation in class, etc. This opportunity is not meant to replace office hours, but to complement them. A newsgroup bulletin board will be created to which I will post answers to questions I feel are relevant for all the class, and I plan to develop a class home page as a repository of relevant class information. You can also communicate with each other, schedule group meetings, etc. through your email accounts. I may, on occasion, submit a question to the class by email and award extra credit to whomever can answer it correctly within a specified time period, not more than 24 hours.
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The course grade will be calculated on the basis of 635 points, distributed as follows: Three hour exams*, 100 each 300 points Seven of nine quizzes, 10 each 70 points Recitation participation, 5 each 65 points Final exam* (100 x 2) 200 points ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Total 635 points (Plus group problem extra credit, maximum of 20 points) The course average is based on Total/635 * Final exam grade can also substitute for lowest test grade.
A 90-100 B 80-89.9 C 70-79.9 D 60-69.9 F 0-59.9 (I will reserve the right to lower the cut-off line at each grade level, and to give pluses or minuses near the cut-off line, but the above scale represents the minimum grade to expect.)
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Prepare for class and recitation. Read the book before material is to be covered in class, and come prepared with questions on things you don't understand. A large portion of the course involves solving various problems. In addition to the quizzes and recitation problem sets, some suggested practice problems are listed in the course outline, and you should try working these problems on your own or with others. A solutions manual is available, and while it may tell you if your answer is right, do not depend on it for the rote method of solving the problem. Usually there is more than one way to set up and solve chemistry problems, especially complex ones, and understanding what you are doing and why is preferred to memorizing steps. Some memorization will be necessary, however, such as names and symbols of elements, and you should undertake these tasks as they come up, not the night before a test. Take good class notes, revise them after class to see if there are points you don't understand, and develop a content outline from the notes to serve as a study guide for each exam. When you have trouble working a problem, after it is explained try working another similar one from those at the end of the chapter. Try making up your own substitute problem to solve.
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Date Chapter Topic Other Jan 8 M 1 Class Organization; Introduction Jan 10 W 1 Basic Concepts Jan 12 F 2 Atoms, Molecules and Ions Jan 15 M Martin Luther King Day, no class Jan 17 W 2 Atoms, Molecules and Ions (G.Pr. 1) Jan 19 F 2 " Quiz 1 Jan 22 M 3 Stoichiometry Jan 24 W 3 " Jan 26 F 3 " Quiz 2 Jan 29 M 3 " Jan 31 W 4 Solution Stoichiometry (G.Pr. 1 due) Feb 2 F 4 (Sections 4.1 and 4.7 only) Quiz 3 Feb 5 M 4 " (G.Pr. 2) Feb 7 W 5 Energy and Thermochemistry Feb 9 F EXAM I (Chapters 1-4) Feb 12 M 5 Energy and Thermochemistry Feb 14 W 5 " Feb 16 F 5 " Quiz 4 Feb 19 M 6 Electronic Structure of Atoms Feb 21 W 6 " (G.Pr. 2 due) Feb 23 F 6 " Quiz 5 Feb 26 M 7 Periodic Properties of Elements Feb 28 W 7 " (G.Pr. 3) Mar 1 F 8 Concepts of Chemical Bonding Quiz 6 Mar 4 M 8 " Mar 6 W 8 " Mar 8 F EXAM II (Chapters 5-8(part)) Mar 11 M 8 Concepts of Chemical Bonding Mar 13 W 8 " Mar 15 F 9 Molecular Geometry (G.Pr. 3 due) Quiz 7 Mar 18-22 Spring Break Mar 25 M 9 Molecular Geometry (G.Pr. 4) Mar 27 W 9 " Mar 29 F 10 Gases Quiz 8 Apr 1 M 10 " Apr 3 W 10 " Apr 5 F 10 " Quiz 9 Apr 8 M 11 Intermolecular Forces Apr 10 W 11 " (G.Pr. 4 due) Apr 12 F EXAM III (Chapters 8-10) Apr 15 M 11 Intermolecular Forces Apr 17 W 11 " Apr 19 F Review; Make-up Exams Apr 24 W FINAL EXAMINATION, 3:00-5:00 pm (Note: This is a block exam time)
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