Pop Question #1 An algorithm for interconverting degrees C and degrees F. You have (hopefully) learned the formulas for temperature conversion: deg C = 5/9(deg F - 32) deg F = 9/5 deg C + 32 These are relatively simple, but unless you have the formula memorized, it is easy to forget whether you add or subtract 32 before multiplying by 5/9 or 9/5. Following is an algorithm (i.e. stepwise calculation) that avoids that problem. All you have to remember is that going from C to F, you multiply by 9/5 (F degrees are smaller, so there are more of them), and in going from F to C you multiply by 5/9. Algorithm Add 40 Multiply by 9/5 if changing deg C to deg F or Multiply by 5/9 if changing deg F to deg C Subtract 40 Now, explain in fairly simple terms why this algorithm works.