Dr. Light--FALL 1996
(Back to CHM 1046 Class Page)
Robley J. Light: Office: 204 DLC
Telephone: 644-3844
email: rlight@garnet.acns.fsu.edu
Class Hours:
1:25-2:15, MWF, 214 Hoffman Teaching Laboratory
Office Hours:
12:15-1:15 Mondays and Wednesdays
2:30-3:30 Mondays and Wednesdays
(or by appointment)
Help Sessions:
Wednesdays prior to Hour Tests 1 and 2, 5:30-7:00 pm, 218 HTL
Thursday prior to Hour Test 3, 5:15-6:45 pm, 218 HTL
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Chemistry, The Central Science 6th Edition, by T. L. Brown,
H. E. LeMay, Jr., and B. E. Bursten; Prentice-Hall, 1994.
Lab Meetings:
The laboratory (CHM 1046L) is a corequisite and is separate
from the lecture in grading and organization. You are
expected to register for both unless you have already passed
You could lose your place if you don't. Your laboratory meets
twice a week.
A calculator capable of the operations 10x, ex, log x, and
ln x is required. (You will be doing a number of calculations
involving logarithms this term, so you should review their
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Completion of CHM 1045 with a C or better grade. It is
assumed you have a reasonable commmand of the first 11
chapters of the text except for Chapter 4.
This course is the second term of two-semester general
chemistry course intended for science majors who will take
further chemistry courses. It will count for liberal studies
credit, but non-science majors desiring a single terminal
course in chemistry should consider CHM 1020 instead. CHM
1030 is an alternative shorter general chemistry course
leading to CHM 2200C, a one-semester organic chemistry course
intended for some majors such as nutrition and food science. Exams:
There will be three hour tests and a final exam. Note their
scheduled dates now, and plan your calendar accordingly.
Hour Test 1 Friday, September 20
Hour Test 2 Friday, October 18
Hour Test 3 Friday, November 15
Final Exam Monday, December 9, 10:00-12:00 am
Make-up exams will be available only in case of a legitimately
excused absence (sickness, death in family, university
business, etc.). In all cases but extreme emergencies, you
must notify me of the absence before the exam.
Group Quizzes:
A take home quiz will be handed out on Fridays (on Wednesday
before Homecoming weekend), to be completed by a group of 3-5
students working together and handed in at the beginning of
class on the following Monday. (The quizzes preceeding Labor
Day and Veteran's Day will be due by noon Tuesday in 208 HTL).
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The course grade will be calculated on the basis of 660
points, distributed as follows:
Three hour exams, 100 each 300 points
Eight of ten quizzes, 20 each 160 points
Final Exam* 200 points
Total 660 points
* The final exam grade may substitute for a low test
The course average is based on Total/6.6
Grading Scale:
A 90-100
B 80-89.9
C 70-79.9
D 60-69.9
F 0-59.9
(The above scale represents the minimum grade to expect.
It may become necessary to modify the grade cut-off
points downward depending on test difficulty, class
performance, etc. However, I will not know for sure how
much adjustment might be made until all grades are in)
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Electronic Mail:
You will each be given an account on a campus computer which
can be used for electronic mail and for exploring the
Internet. I will use electronic mail to make class
announcements, reading and problem assignments, etc. You can
use electronic mail to ask me questions about the material,
indicate which things need more explanation in class, etc.
This opportunity is not meant to replace office hours, but to
complement them. A newsgroup bulletin board will be created
to which I will post answers to questions I feel are relevant
for all the class, and I am developing a class web home page
as a repository of relevant class information. The web home
page also contains old tests and quizzes from last terms
You can also communicate with each other, schedule group
meetings, etc. through your email accounts.
I may, on occasion, submit a question to the class by email
and award extra credit to whomever can answer it correctly
within a specified time period, not more than 24 hours.
Study Groups:
You are to organize yourselves into groups of three to five
individuals. Try to group with individuals in the same
laboratory section and with similar enough schedules that you
will have several blocks of time each week to get together
outside of class. Sit together in class , as there will be
some classroom activities you will be called on to work
together. You will work together on the quizzes and submit
one quiz for the group. You should also meet together at
least once or twice a week to work problem sets and prepare
for tests.
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Study Hints:
Prepare for class. Read the book before material is to be
covered in class, and come prepared with questions on things
you don't understand. A large portion of the course involves
solving various problems, even more so in CHM 1046 than in CHM
1045. In addition to the old tests and quizzes on the web,
some suggested practice problems are listed in the course
outline, and you should try working as many of these problems
as you can on your own or with others. A solutions manual is
available, and while it may tell you if your answer is right,
do not depend on it for the rote method of solving the
problem. (Apparently there are two types of solutions manuals
available at the bookstore, one with solutions to all
problems, one with solutions to only part of them). Usually
there is more than one way to set up and solve chemistry
problems, especially complex ones, and understanding what you
are doing and why is preferred to memorizing steps. Some
memorization will be necessary, however, such as solubilities,
and you should undertake these tasks as they come up, not the
night before a test. Take good class notes, revise them after
class to see if there are points you don't understand, and
develop a content outline from the notes to serve as a study
guide for each exam. When you have trouble working a problem,
after it is explained try working another similar one from
those at the end of the chapter. Try making up your own
substitute problem to solve.
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Besides reading the chapters ahead, and organizing and
completing your notes after each lecture, you should practice
working some of the representative problems at the end of the
chapters. A good strategy would be to get together in your
study groups to work problems. Following is a suggested list
of problems to focus on, but if you have difficulty with a
particular type of problem, you should choose additional ones
to work. As you encounter difficulties, you should seek help
during office hours, from the help desk, from your recitation
instructor, or by email.
Chapter Suggested Problems
4 4.15-4.50
20 20.1-20.8
13 13.1-13.30, 13.36-13.60
15 15.5-15.24, 15.31-15.34
16 16.5-16.8, 16.11-16.16, 16.19-16.28
16.31-16.34, 16.39-16.48, 16.55-16.62
17 17.3-17.26, 17.29-17.38, 17.43-17.50
14 14.1-14.18, 14.21, 14.23, 14.29-14.32
19 19.1-19.16, 19.19-19.26, 19.29-19.30
20 20.9-20.23, 20.27-20.36
26 26.3-26.12, 26.27-26.40
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American Disabilities Act
Students with disabilities needing academic
accommodations should: 1) register with and provide
documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center
(SDRC); 2) bring a letter to the instructor from SDRC
indicating you need academic accommodations. This should be
done within the first week of class.
Academic Honor Code
Students are reminded of the Academic Honor System of the
Florida State University. Collaboration is permitted and
encouraged on the take-home quizzes, but signing one's name to
the group effort without having participated in it would be
considered a violation of the honor code. Receiving or giving
unauthorized help on the hour tests is a violation.
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