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CHEMISTRY 2000C Spring 2005

Links to CHM 2200C, Sections 1-6

Blackboard Interface

If you are enrolled in the course, click on, log in with your garnet or mailer account and password, and your Blackboard page will automatically have links to the course. The login page has links to information about Blackboard.

If you are not enrolled but want to visit the site, click the preview button on the login page. You then need to click on the "Courses" tab, and browse the Course Catalog to Arts and Sciences--Chemistry and Biochemistry. Pick CHM 2200C-SURVEY OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY- Spring 2005 , from the list. Some parts of the site will be off limits to you.

Alternate Interface

Some of the course links are available through the CHM 2200C Alternate Links page.

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