Links will be added to this page periodically throughout the course, the most
recent additions appearing first. Check this page occassionally to see what
is new.
From the Kyoto Encyclopedia of
Genes and Genomes. Choose a pathway from the list, then there
is a drop-down menu from which to choose an organism, and the pathway for
that organism is displayed. Enzymes are indicated by their IUPAC numbers,
and clicking on an enzyme number connects to a page with extensive information
about the enzyme and links to protein databases. For more information,
consult the instructionspage for use of this information.
DNA Double Helix
( Chime tutorial by Eric Martz, U. Mass. Click on items 3 to 6.
Use Netscape 4.x. Doesn't work well with Internet Explorer or Netscape 6..)
A, B, and Z DNA (by
David Marcey, California Lutheran University. Better with Netscape 4.x)
Kinemage program (Follow
instructions to download Mage)
There are also pointers to tutorials and many kinemage
programs on protein structure.
Phi, Psi angles with a kinemage program
(With Netscape, press shift key before clicking, then save file. With IE,
right click on link, and save file. Change name to C1Basics.kin, and open
file with Mage program).