BCH 4053		Tentative Help Sessions		Summer 1997

To accommodate the schedules of most students, two help sessions are
scheduled prior to each hour test as follows.  (These times are subject
to change if conflicts arise in Dr. Light's schedule).

For Test 1:		Thursday, May 29, 	12:30- 2:00		HTL 213
			Friday, May 30,     	10:45-12:00		HTL 214

For Test 2:		Monday, Jun 23		10:45-12:00		HTL 214
			Tuesday, Jun 24		12:30- 2:00		HTL 213

For Test 3:		Thursday, Jul 10	12:30- 2:00		HTL 213
			Friday, Jul 11		10:45-12:00		HTL 214
	(Note: Dr. Light is tentatively scheduled for jury duty
	 the week of July 14, hence these sessions are the week
	 before the test)

For Mini Exam		Wednesday, Jul 30	10:45-12:00		HTL 214
			Thursday, Jul 31	12:30- 2:00		HTL 213