Welcome to Dr. Light's BCH 4053 Web Page

Summer 1997

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(Select link to jump to an area of interest on the class page:)
Syllabus | Class Schedule | Tests and Pre-Tests | Old Tests | Extra Credit Problems
Electronic Mail and Computer Network Access
Class Newsgroup | Library Resources | Other Web Sites

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Class Syllabus

(Select link to jump to an area of interest in the syllabus:)
Study Groups and Extra Credit | Mini-Exam | Grading Scale | Electronic Mail | Disabilities

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Tentative Lecture Schedule

Tests and Pre-Tests

(Note: Saving tests as text files loses all formating features and graphics. Tests could be converted to HTML files, but not all formatting converts properly. Therefore the tests are shown as PDF files. PDF is a format that retains all the original formatting and can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader. You may download a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader which allows you to read PDF files. An advantage of the PDF format is that the appearance of the document that you view and print is set by the author and does not depend upon the browser.

  • Pre-Tests
  • Pre-Test 1:   PDF Format   [Grade Distribution]
  • Pre-Test 2:   PDF Format   [Grade Distribution]
  • Pre-Test 3:   PDF Format   [Grade Distribution]
  • Pre-Test 4:   PDF Format   [Grade Distribution]
  • Hour Tests
  • Test 1:   PDF Format   [Grade Distribution]
  • Test 2:   PDF Format   [Grade Distribution]
  • Test 3:   PDF Format   [Grade Distribution]
  • Mini-Exam:   PDF Format   [Grade Distribution]
  • (back to top)

    Old Tests

  • BCH 4053--Summer 1996

    The old tests are only in text file format. To return to this page, use the "back" button of your browser rather than the navigation pointers within the BCH Summer 1996 Class Page.

  • Extra Credit Problems

  • Problem 1 | Solution
  • Problem 2 | Solution
  • Problem 3 | Solution
  • (back to top)

    Electronic Mail and Computer Network Access

  • Getting started with your computer account

  • Some Email Addresses

  • Instructor:
  • Dr. Light (rlight@garnet.acns.fsu.edu)
  • Students:
  • BCH-4053-01@garnet.acns.fsu.edu
  • (back to top )

  • Class Newsgroup

    If your web browser supports reading newsgroups, set your news (nntp) server to news.fsu.edu, and click here to access the class newsgroup fsu.class.bch4053. (Note: This newsgroup may be active only through the summer semester).

    Library Resources

  • LUIS
  • This links you through a tn3270 connection to the State of Florida Library System.
  • Pick LUIS from the first menu, then Florida State University from the second. This
  • gives you the same screen as at the LUIS terminals in the library. Links in LUIS
  • connect to other library databases.
  • This links you to a web connection to LUIS
  • This shows locations of some journals in the Dirac Science Library, and also has links
  • to those journals that have on-line versions.
  • This links you through a telnet session to the University of California Library System.
  • (back to top)

    Other Web Sites

  • DNA Structure
  • Other Biochemistry Class Pages
  • FSU's Structural Biology Program list of Internet Resources
  • From Tom Gardner's "Experimenting With the Internet"
  • Other Chemistry Related Sites
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