BCH 4054 HOUR TEST 2 NAME _____________________ October 25, 1996 Points (6) 1. Which three reactions of glycolysis are not used in gluconeogenesis of glucose from pyruvate? (Identify by either name of enzyme or reaction catalyzed). 2. One of these steps is the primary site of regulation of glycolysis versus gluconeogenesis in the liver. (2) (a) What gluconeogenic enzyme is used at this step. (6) (b) Explain how metabolic flux through this step is allosterically controlled by cellular intermediates that signal the "energy state" of the cell by completing the following table. Enzyme Inhibitor(s) Activator(s) ________________________ ______________ ______________ ________________________ _______________ ______________ (4) (c) Explain how metabolic flux through this step is hormonally regulated by glucagon, a hormone that signals the liver to produce and excrete more glucose. Diagram the sequence of intermediates by which the hormonal signal is transmitted to the enzymes in the pathway that are being regulated. (4) 3. Explain why animals cannot utilize fatty acids as a source of glucose. (8) 4. Compare and contrast glycogen synthesis in animals with starch synthesis in plants by filling in the following table. Glycogen synthesis Starch synthesis Cellular location __________________ __________________ Activated sugar substrate __________________ __________________ Regulation: at which enzyme? __________________ __________________ how is enzyme activated? __________________ __________________ (8) 5. Transketolase is an important enzyme in the Calvin cycle. Give the structure of the reactants and products of one of the transketolase catalyzed reactions found in this cycle. 6. Rubisco, the enzyme involved in "fixing" CO2 in the Calvin cycle, is thought to be the most abundant protein in the biosphere. (4) (a) Give the structure of the substrates and products catalyzed by this enzyme. (4) (b) Changes in pH and [Mg2+] in the stroma of the chloroplast affect the activity of Rubisco. Explain how these changes allow Rubisco to be activated in the light and deactivated in the dark. (6) 7. Describe the roles that citrate play in the synthesis of fatty acids. (4) 8. In early crude extracts obtained from pigeon liver, the incorporation of [14C]acetate into fatty acids was stimulated by adding HCO3- to the extract, but if [14C]HCO3- is added, there is no incorporation of radioactivity from the HCO3- into the fatty acids. Explain why. (12) 9. Bacterial fatty acid synthesis from acetyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA requires six enzymatic steps involving seven separate proteins. Give the reactants and products of each step (names or structures) and the name of the enzyme catalyzing the step. (6) 10. What are the two classes of eicosanoids, and what dietary fatty acids are necessary for their synthesis? 11. VLDL is converted to LDL in the blood. (3) (a) What are the major changes in the composition of the lipoprotein particle as a result of this process? (2) (b) What two enzymes are involved in this process? (3) (c) How is HDL involved in this process? (10) 12. Adenine contains five nitrogen atoms, each derived from an amino acid. Draw the structure of adenine, and with arrows indicate the amino acid source of each nitrogen atom. (8) 13. In the following table, the fifteen steps involved in the biosynthesis of purines are indicated by showing the key reactant and product of each step. The pathway is regulated by a classical "feedback inhibition" by the end and branch products, IMP, AMP, and GMP. Identify the sites of inhibition by putting a check mark in the appropriate blanks. Inhibited by: Enzymatic Step IMP AMP GMP 1. ribose-5 phosphate--->PRPP _____ _____ _____ 2. PRPP--->phosphoribosylamine _____ _____ _____ 3. Phosphribosylamine--->GAR _____ _____ _____ 4. GAR--->FGAR _____ _____ _____ 5. FGAR--->FGAM _____ _____ _____ 6. FGAM--->AIR _____ _____ _____ 7. AIR--->CAIR _____ _____ _____ 8. CAIR--->SAICAR _____ _____ _____ 9. SAICAR--->AICAR _____ _____ _____ 10. AICAR--->FAICAR _____ _____ _____ 11. FAICAR--->IMP _____ _____ _____ 12. IMP--->adenylosuccinate _____ _____ _____ 13. IMP--->XMP _____ _____ _____ 14. adenylosuccinate--->AMP _____ _____ _____ 15. XMP--->GMP _____ _____ _____