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BCH 4054--General Biochemistry II--Fall 1998


Some Chemistry Related Web Sites

        (Note:  Some of these links may no longer be valid.  If you discover broken links, please let Dr. Light know at rlight@garnet.acns.fsu.edu)

  • Yahoo's Science:Chemistry indices and search engine
  • WebElements
  • University of British Columbia (Canada) WWW periodic table
  • ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu gopher periodic table
  • Periodic Table of the Elements [Lanl.gov] - graphical, searchable interface
  • American Chemical Society Web Server
  • Chemical Information Sources from Indiana University
  • Sheffield ChemDex : a list of Chemistry Internet sites
  • ChemEd: Chemistry Education Resources (Alan Cairns' collection)
  • Chemistry Hypermedia Project (Virginia Tech)
  • The Learning Matters of Chemistry
  • (Chemical Education materials developed by Y.L.Wong and C.W.Yip)
  • Material Safety Data Sheet Databases
  • University of Vermont MSDS Database
  • Search by Chemical Name, CAS #, or Manufacturer
  • University of Utah MSDS Database
  • Fisher Chemical Catalog Search
  • Search by Chemical Name, then select MSDS icon from Catalog
  • Oxford University MSDS Database
  • Enviro-Net MSDS Index
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