Schlenk Lines
Ökten preparing liquid nitrogen for her Schlenk line trap.
Judy weighing air-sensitive elements inside one of four lab gloveboxes.
Minyoung preparing to remove compounds from a glovebox.
YiXu melting a sample in the high-temperature synthesis glovebox.
Dallas sealing a sample in a tube under vacuum to keep oxygen out of a reaction.
Induction Furnace
A sample being heated through induction (also known as RF melting).
Single-Crystal Diffractometer
Jeff mounting a crystal on the Bruker single-crystal diffractometer (Departmental access).
Powder Diffractometer
Judy mounting a sample for powder x-ray diffraction on the Panalytical (Departmental access).
New Single Crystal Diffractometer
Okten collecting a crystal structure on the brand-new Rigaku single crystal diffractometer (Departmental access).
SQUID Magnetometer
Chongin loading a sample into the SQUID (Departmental access).
Low-Temperature UV-Vis Spectrometer
Okten loading a sample into the Cryo-UV-vis spectrometer.
Vincent performing a DFT-based calculation.