Solid State Magnetism
Metallic Magnets, Magnetic Refrigerants, and Exotic Magnetic States

Our group works in a broadly defined area of advanced functional materials. Our current, more specific research interests include photo-switchable molecular materials, intermetallic magnets for magnetic refrigeration and electric vehicles, and low-dimensional magnetic materials such as spin-frustrated 2D magnets and nanomagnets. The disciplinary focus of our work lies within inorganic materials chemistry, with strong interdisciplinary crossover to physical and organic chemistry, as well as to condensed matter physics and machine learning. The students and postdocs obtain diverse training in inorganic and organic syntheses, X-ray and neutron scattering methods, magnetic and electrical property measurements, optical, infrared, NMR, and EPR spectroscopy, as well as computational approaches to elucidation and discovery of new functional materials.