
Purpose | Background |Procedure | Report

Proof of Alcohol




The purpose of this lab should consist of several well constructed sentences stating what the experiment was designed to accomplish. Make sure to include statements about concepts and techniques explored in the experiments. The procedure section should reference the lab manual and include any changes made to the lab manual procedure during the lab.

The data section should include two tables; For part I and II the table should include the following for both the ethanol and water: a) mass of graduated cylinder, b) volume of liquid, c) mass of liquid, and d) density of liquid. For Part III the table should include the following: a) mass of graduated cylinder, b) mass of graduated cylinder with solution, c) mass of solution, d) volume of solution, e) density of solution, f) mass of salt, g) mass of water layer, h) mass of alcohol, i) volume of water layer, j) volume of alcohol , k) density of water layer, l) percent alcohol by mass, m) percent alcohol based on a 85% efficiency, n) percent alcohol by volume, and o) proof of the alcohol. Also include any and all observations made during the extraction process.

A majority of the calculations required in the data section are straight forward and have been done in previous labs. The two new calculations are percent alcohol and percent alcohol based on the efficiency of the extraction. The percent alcohol by mass and volume is determined using the following formula: Note: you need to convert the mass to volume using the density of ethanol and water found in Part 1:

Mass Percent

Once you have determined the mass percent alcohol use the following formula to determine the percent alcohol based on the efficiency of the system.

% alcohol based on efficiency = % alcohol + (% alcohol x ( (100-% efficiency)/100))   

The calculation section should include example calculations of everything in the data section that was not collected during the actual experiment. That would include the following:a) mass of liquid, b) density of liquid, c) mass of water layer, d) mass of alcohol , e) volume of alcohol , f) percent alcohol based on mass, g) percent alcohol based on volume, h) percent alcohol based on a 85% efficiency, and i) proof of the alcohol solution.

The conclusion section should be several paragraphs in length and include the following information: a discussion for Part I, which includes the densities of the two liquids, a complete discussion for Part II which includes a comparison and explanation of the densities, volumes and masses before and after the extraction. A detail explanation of the percent alcohol values by mass and volume and how the 85% efficiency plays a role in the actual alcohol content of the unknown solution. Be sure to clearly state the percent alcohol content of your solution. Finally state any errors.  

Answer the following Question:

Compare the experimental density of the unknown solution and the theoretical density (see graph below) of an alcohol solution with the mass percent your determined for your unknown,. What is percent error between the two?

.Mass Percent vs. Density of Ethanol solutions









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