B.J. VanMiddlesworth, J. G. Dorsey, “Quantifying
injection solvent effects in reversed-phase liquid chromatography”, J. Chromatogr. A, 2012, 1236,
J.G. Dorsey, “Editorial on “Mass
transfer kinetics, band broadening and column efficiency” by F. Gritti
and G. Guiochon”, J. Chromatogr.
A, 2012, 1221, 1.
M.D. Bair, J. G. Dorsey, “Effect of
trimethylsilane pre-capping on monomeric C18 stationary phases made from
high-purity type-B silica substrates: Efficiency, retention, and stability”, J. Chromatogr. A, 2012, 1220,
B.J. VanMiddlesworth, J. G. Dorsey, “Reequilibration
time of superficially porous silica based columns in gradient elution reversed
phase liquid chromatography”, J.
Chromatogr. A, 2011, 1218, 7158-7165.
J.G. Dorsey, “Editorial on “Chromatographic
selectivity triangles” by Andrew R. Johnson and Mark F. Vitha”, J. Chromatogr. A, 2011, 1218,
S.D. Allmon, J. G. Dorsey, “Properties of
subcritical water as an eluent for reversed-phase liquid chromatography –
Disruption of the hydrogen-bond network at elevated temperature and its
consequences”, J. Chromatogr. A,
2010, 1217, 5769-5775.
S.D. Allmon, J. G. Dorsey, “Retention
mechanisms in subcritical water reversed-phase chromatography”, J. Chromatogr. A, 2009, 1217,
K.M. Usher, C. R. Simmons, J. G. Dorsey,
“Modeling chromatographic dispersion: A comparison of popular
equations”, J. Chromatogr. A, 2008, 1200,
P.A. Tate, J.G. Dorsey, “Characterization of
flow and voltage profiles in planar electrochromatography”, J.
Chromatogr. A, 2005, 1079, 317-327.
L. Limsavarn and J.G. Dorsey, “Influence of
stationary phase solvation on shape selectivity and retention in reversed phase
liquid chromatography”, J. Chromatogr. A, 2006, 1102,
P.A. Tate and J.G. Dorsey, “Linear voltage
profiles and flow homogeneity in pressurized planar electrochromatography, J.
Chromatogr. A, 2006, 1103, 150- 157.
P.A. Tate, J.G. Dorsey, "Column selection for
liquid chromatographic estimation of the k'w hydrophobicity
parameter", J. Chromatogr. A, 2004, 1042,
J.W. Coym, J.G. Dorsey, "Reversed-Phase
Retention Thermodynamics of Pure-Water
J.W. Coym, J.G. Dorsey, "Superheated Water
Chromatography: A Brief Review of an Emerging Technique", Anal.
Lett., 2004, 37, 1013-1023.
J.D. Sunseri, T.E. Gedris, A.E. Stiegman, J.G.
Dorsey, "Complete Methylation of Silica Surfaces: Next Generation of
Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Stationary Phases", Langmuir,
2003, 19, 8608-8610.
J.D. Sunseri, W.T. Cooper, J.G. Dorsey,
"Reducing Residual Silanol Interactions in Reversed-Phase Liquid
Chromatography: Thermal Treatment of Silica Before Derivitization", J.
Chromatogr. A, 2003, 1011, 23-29.
S.M. Piraino, J.G. Dorsey, "Comparison of
Frits Used in the Preparation of Packed Capillaries for Capillary
Electrochromatography", Anal. Chem., 2003, 75,
C.A. Rimmer, L.C. Sander, S.A. Wise, J.G. Dorsey,
"Synthesis and Characterization of C13 to C18
stationary phases by monomeric, solution polymerized, and surface polymerized
approaches", J. Chromatogr. A, 2003, 1007,
K.M. Biswas, D.R. DeVido, J.G. Dorsey,
"Evaluation of methods for measuring amino acid hydrophobicities and
interactions", J. Chromatogr. A, 2003, 1000,
J.W. Coym, J.G. Dorsey, "Chromatographic
shape selectivity with carbon dioxide based mobile phases: effect of mobile
phase composition and density", J. Chromatogr. A, 2002,
971, 61-72.
C.A. Rimmer, C.R. Simmons, J.G. Dorsey, "The
measurement and meaning of void volumes in reversed-phase liquid
chromatography", J. Chromatogr. A, 2002, 965,
J.G. Dorsey, “High-Performance Liquid Chromatography”
in Handbook of Pharmaceutical Analysis, L. Ohannesian and A. J.
Streeter, eds., Marcel Dekker, NY, 2002, Chap. 3, pp. 87-149.
A. Berthod, S. Tomer, J.G. Dorsey,
"Polyoxyethylene alkyl ether nonionic surfactants: physicochemical
properties and use for cholesterol determination in food", Talanta,
2001, 55, 69-83.
S. Tomer, J.G. Dorsey, A. Berthod, "Nonionic
micellar liquid chromatography coupled to immobilized enzyme reactors", J.
Chromatogr. A, 2001, 923, 7-16.
D.J. Bailey, J.G. Dorsey, "Linear solvation
energy relationships of mixed micelles of sodium dodecyl sulfate and decanol:
towards a better model of octanol/water partitioning", J. Chromatogr.
A, 2001, 919, 181-194.
S.D. Rogers, J.G. Dorsey, "Chromatographic
silanol activity test procedures: the quest for a universal test", J.
Chromatogr. A, 2000, 892, 57-65.
C.A. Rimmer, S.M. Piraino, J.G. Dorsey,
"Gradient elution techniques for capillary electrochromatography", J.
Chromatogr. A, 2000, 887, 115-124.
C.A. Doyle, T.J. Vickers, C.K. Mann, J.G. Dorsey,
"Characterization of C-18 bonded liquid chromatography stationary phases
by Raman spectroscopy: the effect of mobile phase composition", J.
Chromatogr. A, 2000, 877, 25-39.
C.A. Doyle, T.J. Vickers, C.K. Mann, J.G. Dorsey,
"Characterization of C-18 bonded liquid chromatography stationary phases
by Raman spectroscopy: the effect of temperature", J. Chromatogr. A,
2000, 877, 41-59.
J.G. Dorsey, “Column Theory and Resolution
in Liquid Chromatography” in Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry,
R. A. Meyers, ed., John Wiley & Sons, NY, 2000, pp. 11334-11342
D.J. Bailey, J.G. Dorsey, "pH effects on
micelle-water partitioning determined by micellar electrokinetic
chromatography", J. Chromatogr. A, 1999, 852,
J.G. Dorsey, "Electrochromatography: The hope
and the promise", Microchem. J., 1999, 61,
C.A. Doyle, J.G. Dorsey, “Reversed-Phase
HPLC: Preparation and Characterization of Reversed-Phase Stationary
Phases” in Handbook of HPLC, E. Katz, R. Eksteen, P. Schoenmakers,
and N. Miller, eds., Marcel Dekker, New York, 1998, pp. 293-323.
W.B. Furman, J.G. Dorsey and L.R. Snyder,
“System Suitability Tests in Regulatory Liquid and Gas Chromatographic
Methods: Adjustments Versus Modifications”, Pharmaceutical Technology,
1998, 22 (6), 58, 60, 62, 64.
A.S. Lister, C.A. Rimmer, J.G. Dorsey,
"Gradient elution electrochromatography with a flow-injection analysis
interface", J. Chromatogr. A, 1998, 828,
D.R. DeVido, J.G. Dorsey, H.S. Chan, K.A. Dill,
"Oil/water partitioning has a different thermodynamic signature when the
oil solvent chains are aligned than when they are amorphous", J. Phys.
Chem. B, 1998, 102, 7272-7279.
P.B. Wright, J.G. Dorsey, "Silver
(I)-mediated separations by nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis: Nonaqueous
argentation electrophoresis", HRC-J. High Res. Chrom., 1998,
21, 498-504.
J.G. Dorsey, "The future of liquid
chromatography?", Chem. Ind.-London, 1998, 12,
J.G. Dorsey, W.T. Cooper, B.A. Siles, J.P. Foley,
H.G. Barth, "Liquid Chromatography: Theory and methodology", Anal.
Chem., 1998, 70, 591R-644R.
X. Tang, J.W. Hayes, II, L. Schroder, W. Cacini,
J.G. Dorsey, R. C. Elder, K. Tepperman, “Determination of
Biotransformation Products of Platinum Drugs in Rat and Human Urine”, Metal-Based
Drugs, 1997, 4, 97-109.
A.S. Lister, J.G. Dorsey, D.E. Burton,
"Current measurement of nonaqueous solvents: Applications to capillary
electrophoresis and electrochromatography", HRC-J. High Res. Chrom.,
1997, 20, 523-528.
B.N. Woodrow, J.G. Dorsey, "Thermodynamics of
micelle-water partitioning in micellar electrokinetic chromatography: Comparisons
with 1-octanol-water partitioning and biopartitioning", Environ. Sci.
Technol., 1997, 31, 2812-2820.
C.A. Doyle, T.J. Vickers, C.K. Mann, J.G. Dorsey,
"Characterization of liquid chromatographic stationary phases by Raman
spectroscopy--Effects of ligand type", J. Chromatogr. A, 1997,
779, 91-112.
P.B. Wright, A.S. Lister, J.G. Dorsey,
"Behavior and use of nonaqueous media without supporting electrolyte in
capillary electrophoresis and capillary electrochromatography", Anal.
Chem., 1997, 69, 3251-3259.
S.R. Cole, J.G. Dorsey, "Cyclohexylamine
additives for enhanced peptide separations in reversed phase liquid
chromatography", Biomed. Chromatogr., 1997, 11,
D.L. Warner, J.G. Dorsey, "Reduction of total
analysis time in gradient elution, reversed-phase liquid chromatography", LC-GC
Mag. Sep. Sci., 1997, 15, 254.
J.G. Dorsey, W.T. Cooper, B.A. Siles, J.P. Foley,
H.G. Barth, "Liquid chromatography: Theory and methodology", Anal.
Chem., 1996, 68, R515-R568.
P.J. Slonecker, X.D. Li, T.H. Ridgeway, J.G.
Dorsey, "Informational orthogonality of two dimensional chromatographic
separations", Anal. Chem., 1996, 68,
P.B. Wright, J.G. Dorsey, "Silver(I) mediated
separations by capillary zone electrophoresis and micellar electrokinetic
chromatography: Argentation electrophoresis", Anal. Chem., 1996,
68, 415-424.
J.W. Zielger, T.L. Chester, D.P. Innis, S.H.
Pages, J.G. Dorsey, "Supercritical fluid flow injection method for mapping
liquid-vapor critical loci of binary mixture containing CO2", ACS Sym.
Ser., 1995, 608, 93-110.
B.A. Siles, H.B. Halsall, J.G. Dorsey,
"Retention and selectivity of flavanones on homopolypeptide-bonded
stationary phases in both normal-phase and reversed-phase
liquid-chromatography", J. Chromatogr. A, 1995, 704,
H. Ding, J.S. Wang, J.G. Dorsey, J.A. Caruso,
"Arsenic speciation by micellar liquid-chromatography with
inductively-coupled mass spectrometric detection", J. Chromatogr. A,
1995, 694, 425-431.
Y.F. Zhang, E.V. Hess, K.G. Pryhuber, J.G. Dorsey,
K. Tepperman, R.C. Elder, "Gold binding sites in red blood cells", Inorg.
Chim. Acta., 1995, 229, 271-280.
B.J. Herbert, J.G. Dorsey, "n-Octanol water
partition coefficient estimation by micellar electrokinetic capillary
chromatography", Anal. Chem., 1995, 67,
J.W. Ziegler, J.G. Dorsey, T.L. Chester, D.P.
Innis, "Estimation of liquid-vapor critical loci for CO2-solvent mixtures
using a peak shape method", Anal. Chem., 1995, 67,
M.M. Hsieh, J.G. Dorsey, "Bioavailability
estimation by reversed phase liquid chromatography--high bonding density C-18
phases for modeling biopartitionoing processes", Anal. Chem., 1995,
67, 48-57.
R.C. Elder, W.B. Jones, Z. Zhao, J.G. Dorsey, K.
Tepperman, “Myochrysine Solution Structure and Reactivity”, Metal
Based Drugs, 1994, 1, 363-374.
K. Tepperman, Y. Zhang, P.W. Roy, R. Floyd, Z.
Zhao, J.G. Dorsey, R.C. Elder, “Transport of Dicyanogold (I)
Anion”, Metal Based Drugs, 1994, 1, 433-444.
U. Kumar, J.G. Dorsey, J.A. Caruso, E.H. Evans,
"Metalloporphyrin speciation by liquid chromatography and inductively
coupled plasma mass spectrometry", J. Chromatogr. Sci., 1994,
32, 282-285.
L.A. Ciolino, J.G. Dorsey, "Silica based room
temperature phosphorescence substrates--wide dynamic rangers, low background,
and programmable figures of merit", Anal. Chem., 1994,
66, 3223-3232.
L.A. Ciolino, J.G. Dorsey, "Phosphorimetry
and its potential for the study of surface heterogeneity of chromatographic
silica-based stationary phases", J. Chromatogr. A, 1994,
678, 201-212.
J.G. Dorsey, W.T. Cooper, "Retention
mechanisms of bonded phase liquid chromatography", Anal. Chem., 1994,
66, A857-A867.
L.A. Ciolino, J.G. Dorsey, "Synthesis and
characterization of silica-based aliphatic ion-exchangers", J.
Chromatogr. A, 1994, 675, 29-45.
J.G. Dorsey, W.T Cooper, J.F. Wheeler, H.G. Barth,
J.P. Foley, "Liquid chromatography-Theory and methodology", Anal.
Chem., 1994, 66, R500-R546.
J.F. Wheeler, T.L Beck, S.J. Klatte, L.A. Cole,
J.G. Dorsey, "Phase transitions of reversed phase stationary phases--cause
and effects in the mechanism of retention", J. Chromatogr. A, 1993,
656, 317-333.
J.G. Dorsey, M.G. Khaledi, "Hydrophobicity
estimations by reversed phase liquid chromatography--implications for
biological partitioning processes", J. Chromatogr. A, 1993,
656, 485-499.
U.T. Kumar, N.P. Vela, J.G. Dorsey, J.A. Caruso,
"Supercritical fluid extraction of organotins from biological samples and
speciation by liquid chromatography and inductively coupled plasma mass
spectrometry", J. Chromatogr. A, 1993, 655,
U.T. Kumar, J.G. Dorsey, J.A. Caruso, E.H.
Evans, "Speciation of inorganic and organotin compounds in biological
samples by liquid chromatography with inductively coupled plasma mass
spectrometric detection", J. Chromatogr. A, 1993,
654, 261-268.
R.E. Malick, J.G. Dorsey, T.L. Chester, D.P.
Innis, "Investigation of carbon dioxide modified supercritical and near
supercritical carrier streams for flow injection analysis", Talanta,
1993, 40, 1951-1959.
R.E. Murphy, R.R. Heath, J.G. Dorsey, "The
optimization of capacity and efficiency when coupling fused silica open tubular
columns in gas chromatography", Chromatographia, 1993,
37, 65-72.
Z. Zhao, KI. Tepperman, J.G. Dorsey, R.C. Elder,
"Determination of cisplatin and some possible metabolites by ion-pairing
chromatography with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometric
detection", J. Chromatogr.-Biomed., 1993, 615,
S.R. Cole, J.G. Dorsey, "Effect of stationary
phase solvation on shape selectivity in reversed phase high performance liquid
chromatography", J. Chromatogr., 1993, 635,
R.C. Elder, Z. Zhao, Y.F. Zhang, J.G. Dorsey, E.V.
Hess, K. Tepperman, "Dicyanogold (I) is a common human metabolite of
different gold drugs", J. Rheumatol., 1993, 20,
J.G. Dorsey, "Liquid Chromatography", Encyclopedia
of Science and Technology, 7th ed.,
M.M. Hsieh, J.G. Dorsey, "Accurate
determination of log k'w in reversed phase liquid chromatography--implications
for quantitative structure retention relationships", J. Chromatogr.,
1993, 631, 63-78.
B.F. Johnson, R.E. Malick, B. Ghearing, J.G.
Dorsey, "Micellar catalysis in flow injection systems--the nitrosation
reaction", Analyst, 1992, 117, 1833-1837.
R.D. Hull, R.E. Malick, J.G. Dorsey,
"Dispersion phenomena in flow injection systems", Anal. Chim.
Acta, 1992, 267, 1-24.
Z. Zhao, W.B. Jones, K, Teppermann, J.G. Dorsey,
R.C. Elder, "Determination of gold-based antiarthritis drugs and their
metabolites in urine by reversed phase ion-pair chromatography with ICP-MS
detection", J. Pharmaceut. Biomed., 1992, 10,
L.A. Cole, J.G. Dorsey, "Temperature
dependence of retention in reversed phase liquid chromatography. 1. Stationary
phase considerations", Anal. Chem., 1992, 64,
L.A. Cole, J.G. Dorsey, K.A. Dill,
"Temperature dependence of retention in reversed phase liquid
chromatography. 2. Mobile phase considerations", Anal. Chem., 1992,
64, 1324-1327.
J.G. Dorsey, J.P. Foley, W.T. Cooper, R.A.
Barford, H.G. Barth, "Liquid chromatography--Theory and methodology",
Anal. Chem., 1992, 64, R353-R389.
P.B. Wright, E. Lamb, J.G. Dorsey, R.G. Kooser,
"Microscopic order as a function of surface coverage in alkyl-modified
silicas-spin probe studies", Anal. Chem., 1992, 64,
B.F. Johnson, R.E. Malick, J.G. Dorsey,
"Reduction of injection variance in flow injection analysis", Talanta,
1992, 29, 35-44.
L.A. Cole, J.G. Dorsey, T.L. Chester,
"Investigation of derivatizing agents for polar solutes in supercritical
fluid chromatography", Analyst, 1991, 116,
B.F. Johnson, J. Bramlage, J.G. Dorsey,
"Solute focusing in flow injection systems--effect of solute capacity
factor and position of solute focusing column", Anal. Chim. Acta,
1991, 255, 127-133.
P.T. Ying, J.G. Dorsey, "Characterization of
retentivity of reversed phase liquid chromatography columns", Talanta,
1991, 38, 237-243.
J.F. Clos, J.G. Dorsey, "Enhanced stability
of electrochemical detection with surfactant containing mobile phases in liquid
chromatography and flow injection analysis", Anal. Lett., 1990,
23, 2327-2337.
B.F. Johnson, J.G. Dorsey, "Solute focusing
in flow injection analysis--limits of detection and linear dynamic range",
Anal. Chem., 1990, 62, 1392-1397.
J.G. Dorsey, J.P. Foley, W.T Cooper, R.A. Barford,
H.G. Barth, "Liquid chromatography-Theory and methodology", Anal.
Chem., 1990, 62, R324-R356.
S.H. Brooks, J.G. Dorsey, "Moment analysis
for evaluation of flow injection manifolds", Anal. Chim. Acta, 1990,
229, 35-46.
J.J. Michels, J.G. Dorsey, "Estimation of the
reversed phase liquid chromatographic lipophilicity parameter log k'w using
ET-30 solvatochromism", J. Chromatogr., 1990, 499,
J.J. Michels, J.G. Dorsey, "Examination of ht
surface polarity of chi-type alumina using ET-30 solvatochromism", Langmuir,
1990, 6, 414-419.
L.A. Cole, J.G. Dorsey, "Reduction of
reequilibration time following gradient elution reversed phase liquid
chromatography", Anal. Chem., 1990, 62,
K.B. Sentell, J.F. Clos, J.G. Dorsey, "A
Practical Approach to Direct Injection of Untreated Physiological Fluids with
Micellar Liquid Chromatography: Determination of Bumetanide", BioChromatography,
1989, 4, 35-40.
P.T. Ying, J.G. Dorsey, K.A. Dill, "Retention
mechanisms of reversed phase liquid chromatography--determination of
solute-solvent interaction free energies", Anal. Chem., 1989,
61, 2540-2546.
K.B. Sentell, J.G. Dorsey, "Retention
mechanisms in reversed phase liquid chromatography--stationary phase bonding
density and partitioning", Anal. Chem., 1989, 61,
K.A. Dill, J.G. Dorsey, "The molecular
mechanism of retention in reversed phase liquid chromatography", Chem.
Rev., 1989, 89, 331-346.
K.B. Sentell, J.G. Dorsey, "Retention
mechanisms in reversed phase chromatography--stationary phase bonding density
and solute selectivity", J. Chromatogr., 1989, 461,
A. Berthod, J.G. Dorsey, "Les Phases Mobiles
Micellaires", Analusis, 1988, 16, 75-89.
J.G. Dorsey, "Micellar Liquid Chromatography",
Meth. Surveys Biochem. Anal., 1988, 18, 235-244.
J.G. Dorsey, "Retention Mechanisms in
Reversed Phase Liquid Chromatography", Meth. Surveys Biochem. Anal.,
1988, 18, 305-306.
J.J. Michels, J.G. Dorsey, "Retention in
reversed phase liquid chromatography--solvatochromic investigation of
homologous alcohol-water binary mobile phases", J. Chromatogr., 1988,
457, 85-98.
K.B. Sentell, K.W. Barnes, J.G. Dorsey,
"Ultrasound driven synthesis of reversed phase stationary phases for
liquid chromatography using 4-dimethylaminopyridine as acid acceptor", J.
Chromatogr., 1988, 455, 95-104.
K.B. Sentell, J.G. Dorsey, "On the
calculation of the stationary phase volume in reversed phase
chromatography", J. Liq. Chromatogr., 1988, 11,
A. Berthod,
A. Berthod, J.G. Dorsey, "Micelles in mobile
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J.G. Dorsey, "Micellar Mobile Phases for
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Alternatives?", Chromatography, 1987, 2(4), 13-20.
J.G. Dorsey, "Solvatochromic Investigations
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J.G. Dorsey, "Micellar liquid
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M.A.H. Torres, M.G. Khaledi, J.G. Dorsey,
"Micellar catalyzed reactions for flow injection systems--determination of
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J.G. Dorsey, B.P. Johnson, "Solvatochromic
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chromatography--polarity values, retention, and stationary phase
information", J. Liq. Chromatogr., 1987, 10,
J.G. Dorsey, "Chromatographic capabilities of
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B.P. Johnson, M.G. Khaledi, J.G. Dorsey,
"Solvatochromic solvent polarity measurements and selectivity in reversed
phase liquid chromatography", J. Chromatogr., 1987,
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B.P. Johnson, M.G. Khaledi, J.G. Dorsey,
"Solvatochromic solvent polarity measurements and retention in reversed
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58, 2354-2365.
B.P. Johnson, B. Gabrielsen, M. Matuenko, J.G.
Dorsey, C. Reichardt, "Solvatochromic solvent polarity measurements in
analytical chemistry--synthesis and applications of ET-30", Anal.
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M.A.H. Torres, J.S. Landy, J.G. Dorsey,
"Reversed micellar mobile phases for normal phase chromatography", Anal.
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M.L. Trehy, R.A. Yost, J.G. Dorsey, "Short
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Chem., 1986, 58, 14-19.
J.G. Dorsey ,B.P. Johnson, "Solvatochromic
Solvent Polarity Measurements, Retention and Selectivity in Reversed Phase
Liquid Chromatography", Chimica Oggi, November, 1986, 23-27.
J.S. Landy, J.G. Dorsey, "Characterization of
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J.G. Dorsey, M.G. Khaledi, J.S. Landy, J.L. Lin,
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L.J.C. Love, J.G., Habarta, J.G. Dorsey, "The
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J.G. Dorsey, "High-Performance Liquid
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Compounds", Anal. Chem., 1978, 50, 1330-1333.