Welcome to Dr. Light's BCH 4054 Web Page

Fall 1996

(Back to Dr. Light's Class Pages Index)

  • (Select link to jump to part of class page of interest.)
  • Syllabus |
  • Class Schedule
  • Tests and Pre-Tests |
  • Electronic Mail and Computer Network Access |
  • Some Email Addresses |
  • Class Newsgroup
  • Library Resources
  • Other Web Sites

  • (back to top)

    Class Syllabus

  • Use the following links to jump to an area of interest in the syllabus:
  • Study Groups and Extra Credit
  • Grading Scale
  • Electronic Mail
  • Disabilities
  • Honor Code
  • Tentative Lecture Schedule

    Tests and Pre-Tests

  • Pre-Tests
  • Pre-Test 1 | [Grade Distribution]
  • Pre-Test 2 | [Grade Distribution]
  • Pre-Test 3 | [Grade Distribution]
  • Hour Tests
  • Test 1 | [Grade Distribution]
  • Test 2 | [Grade Distribution]
  • Test 3 | [Grade Distribution]
  • EXAM
  • Final Exam | [Grade Distribution]
  • Old Tests (From Fall 1995)
  • Test 1
  • Test 2
  • Test 3
  • Test 4
  • Final Exam
    (back to top)
  • Electronic Mail and Computer Network Access

    Getting started with your computer account

    Some Email Addresses

  • Instructor:
  • Dr. Light (rlight@garnet.acns.fsu.edu)
  • Students:
  • BCH-4054-01@garnet.acns.fsu.edu
  • (back to top )

  • Class Newsgroup

    If your web browser supports reading newsgroups, set your news (nntp) server to news.fsu.edu, and click here to access the class newsgroup fsu.class.bch4053. (Note: This newsgroup may be active only through the summer semester).

    Library Resources

  • LUIS
  • This links you through a tn3270 connection to the State of Florida Library System.
  • Pick LUIS from the first menu, then Florida State University from the second. This
  • gives you the same screen as at the LUIS terminals in the library. Links in LUIS
  • connect to other library databases.
  • This shows locations of some journals in the Dirac Science Library, and also has links
  • to those journals that have on-line versions.
  • This links you through a telnet session to the University of California Library System.
  • Other Web Sites

    Other Biochemistry Class Pages
    FSU's Structural Biology Program list of Internet Resources
    Other Chemistry Related Sites

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