Experiment 5 Polarity and Solubility: Halogen ReactionsPrint this pageReport | ||||||||||||||
| Experiment 5 Worksheet: Polarity and Solubility:Halogen Reactions Purpose: (A statement should be made here regarding what your experiment is designed to accomplish)
Procedure: (Describe here how you went about completing your experiment. Use enough detail that someone could repeat it if necessary. Also reference any books or manual you may have used to assist you.)
Data: Solubility Testing: Indicate whether or not each halide salt was soluble (S) or insoluble (I).
(Use crayons to show color of the halogen test results, be sure to label tubes according to what is in them) _____I2____ _____Br2____ _____Cl2____
Electronegativity Testing: (Use crayons to show color of test results, be sure to label tubes according to what is in them) _________ _________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Calculations: (Use the results above to answer the following questions. Circle the correct answer where necessary.)
Halogens are soluble in Hexane / Water because they are Non-polar / Polar. Chlorine is More / Less Electronegative than Bromine. (Complete the following reactions, If no reaction write NR)
The most reactive halogen is: Cl2 / Br2 / I2 The most reactive halide is: Cl- / Br- / I- Rank all of the halogens (including F2) from most to least electronegative: